UI Pieces


Dalayan Adventurer
Coming back to SoD after being away from awhile, I realized I had lost my UI. :( Most of the UIs on eqinterface are not compatible with SoD so I made a new one. It is basically just the default UI with changes to the inventory, bank, loot, and merchant windows. The main difference is that it shows you all inventory slots so no need to open bags.


Inventory + loot windows


Bank window


Merchant window

If you want to try it out you can download it here\

Edit: Also a warning... this UI unfortunately has some quirks if you use bags with less than 10 slots. Basically all 10 slots show up regardless of how many slots your bag actually has. If you are using a 6 slot bag for example and try to put something in slots 7 - 10 the client will disconnect you.
So I logged in for the first time in a few years, and I realized I lost my ui. It's difficult to find the exact version anymore, and even the one Lynne made (an offshoot of my UI from back when we were in fusion with some improvements), is nowhere to be found.

With that in mind I loaded up the current version of the Drakah WoW ui on eqinterface, and it seems to work.


It does throw some weird errors occasionally, something to do with lua (I don't have it in front of me at the moment), though it's probably nothing to worry about. No reason anyone couldn't snag the pieces they want of this and toss it in a ui though.
With 2.5 around the corner its kinda moot but any UI's from say Jan-Apr 2004 ish should work with SoD 2.0 np.
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