UI install issues


Dalayan Beginner
Hi guys.

I downloaded the UI Absynthe posted in the discussion forum. I put it in its own file folder in my steam uifolder, am able to choose the option in game using /load and unclicking "keep your layout," and the file wont load... It keeps my current UI that is the one you get default. What did I do wrong? I know I am probably missing a step or two.

Also, Absybthe, is there a group window with the UI you posted and it is not shown or didI miss it somewhere?

Thanks in advance for your help!
Yeah, didn't work for me either. Same thing happened.

I figure either it's broken, or maybe it needs to be running at a certain resolution? I have no idea - SARS and the WoW one work fine for me, so I'll stick with those for now.
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