Two questions. One about eqw one a video problem


Dalayan Beginner
1. When i patched eq for the first time i unchecked the box that asked if i want to run in windowed mode. It still ran in windowed mode anyway. i checked my eqclient.ini file and it says window mode=false. Anybody have any idea how i can run full screen?
2. While in game, everything freezes for a few seconds and when it catches back up the whole screen is red and polygons are flashing everywhere and then I have to reboot the computer. It's not losing any connection because i was watching the connection with f11, so I'm pretty convinced it's just video. I'm running on a (dinosaur) Nvidia Geforce mx 100/200 with 38 megs of mem. Driver version 77.77. I've tried the newest (78.01) but it caused some conflicts with other things on my computer. Direct x 9.0c. Please someone help me with this. It's MUCH more irritating than the window mode thing. Sometimes I'm able to run for a few hours with no problem, sometimes it does this the minute i log in.
duktak said:
1. When i patched eq for the first time i unchecked the box that asked if i want to run in windowed mode. It still ran in windowed mode anyway. i checked my eqclient.ini file and it says window mode=false. Anybody have any idea how i can run full screen?
Just a quick possible fix, when you're in the windowed mode, try hitting ALT+Enter and see if that fixes it. My wife was put in windowed mode and when she did the alt+enter she no longer logs-in in windowed mode.
duktak said:
2. While in game, everything freezes for a few seconds and when it catches back up the whole screen is red and polygons are flashing everywhere and then I have to reboot the computer. It's not losing any connection because i was watching the connection with f11, so I'm pretty convinced it's just video. I'm running on a (dinosaur) Nvidia Geforce mx 100/200 with 38 megs of mem. Driver version 77.77. I've tried the newest (78.01) but it caused some conflicts with other things on my computer. Direct x 9.0c. Please someone help me with this. It's MUCH more irritating than the window mode thing. Sometimes I'm able to run for a few hours with no problem, sometimes it does this the minute i log in.
That sounds very much like a problem I've been running into. I posted about it here a while back, and it's persisted. Most of the time, if the colors don't go apeshit in the first 5 minutes of playing, they'll be just fine that session. I would get odd reds most of the time, occasionally some greens, with random lines and dots and whatnot. Had to restart to fix the problem. It didn't seem to be the drivers, and I was running a geforce FX5700, so the hardware definitely wasn't sub-par. I couldn't find any solution for it.

I just upgraded almost all the hardware in my comp, so it'll be interesting to see if I run into the same problem now. I'll probably give it a spin tonight.
For the fullscreen thing, you should check the patchset.txt file which is related to the sodpatcher.exe ; it contains information about the patcher, here it goes like that :

I guess the line just after the URL is related to fullscreen/windowed ; make sure it's set to FALSE and see if this file (as well as eqclient.ini) isn"t read-only.
About the video problem, when you say 38Mb I guess it's 32 ? and is it on your system memory or graphic card memory ?

Anyway a GFMX 100/200 is quite old and pushy, I'd suggest not putting recent drivers, but more like 45.23 or something around it (I don't remember which ones were really stable drivers at that time). But as Hasrett said it may not be related to your driver or hardware.

You could try changing video resolution for 16bit (in the display options, try something like 800*600 16bit).

Can't help you much more, hope you'll manage to get rid of these problems soon.
Hasrett- I've heard of lots of people having this same problems from digging around in the live forums looking for a fix. No luck there. My wife also has a similar problem while running the sims 2.
Tarax- Thanks for the idea. I'll try it tonight and post if it worked.
Assertor- Yeah I meant 32 mb. :D It's graphic card memory also. I'll try around with some different drivers, cause I know Nvidia has a problem with some broken drivers. If I change the screen resolution in the game, do I need to change my screen resolutions in properties for the two to match to run properly. I know that's a stupid question, but I have recently had some programs quit working properly and I was getting errors about screen resolution I had never seen before. I think I had played with the resolution in a game shortly before that, so I dunno if that caused it. If the alt+enter doesn't work for the video mode I'll try what you said. Nice to hear from you again, btw. Thanks all for the help.
Good to see yo back indeed ! for your question, no the desktop resolution may be different from the game resolution (leave your display properties in 1024*768 @ 75hz 32 bits, and SoD in 800*600 @ 60Hz 16 bits for example)
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