Trying to recover characters from forever ago..


Dalayan Beginner
I played several years ago and would like to play again with my old character names, but the account(s?) is registered under an email that no longer exists. I'm not even sure what the account names were. Is there a way for me to get access to my old account again in this situation?
You could try forwarding mail from that address directly into your current e-mail service. Theoretically it should send any verification e-mail to your current service thus allowing you to find out your account info.
If you can prove that the e-mail address the accounts are registered to was yours when it existed, that would do.
Im in the same boat, how would i either prove that, or forward the emails?

Even if I could just get the account name I had, I know what the password is probably going to be. I can remember my character's name, and even where he still is on the server. Just not the account name. Any help?
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How would I prove that?

That's a very good question, and there is no easy answer. I know this can cause problems when no PoA e-mail was set and access to the original e-mail is lost, but people do try to steal accounts by e-mailing and asking for PoA on accounts they don't own. (Subtext: don't try to get PoA on an account owned by someone I know IRL. I will call them and find out... again.)
How would I prove that?

You could maybe try to reactivate it, if possible. Also if have a forum account somewhere on the web on a reputable forum, which is registered to that email address, you could take a screenshot of your user CP on there.

This would go some way to proving its yours because you need to log in to the email to register on the forum, and it proves its you because you got on to the forum account. That means for it to be 'stolen' they would have had to:

1) Known what the old email was that the character was registered to
2) Known what the forum is that was also registered using that email
3) Been able to haxor their way in to that forum account to pretend like they own it

Which is not likely. There may be other ways but its 9am here and I havent slept yet.
I sent emails to both addresses listed in the thread. I more than likely listed way too little to make a case, but the fact is I do not recall the facts enough. It was too many years ago.

I didn't want to leave my guild in a lurch, and so left them as guild bots. Boom, now there are no guild members left to recover them from.

Did something happen to the account names? My very first character, a necro, I found on an account that was definately not my first account. I recalled my second account, but my shaman was not there. I found about 5 accounts in all, none of them had my 65s.
I sent emails to both addresses listed in the thread. I more than likely listed way too little to make a case, but the fact is I do not recall the facts enough. It was too many years ago.

I didn't want to leave my guild in a lurch, and so left them as guild bots. Boom, now there are no guild members left to recover them from.

Did something happen to the account names? My very first character, a necro, I found on an account that was definately not my first account. I recalled my second account, but my shaman was not there. I found about 5 accounts in all, none of them had my 65s.

I saw the name, and I was wondering if you were somebody i once knew. What was the name of your shaman, and what was the guild you were in? I tried to pm you, but you have that disabled at the moment.
My Shaman was Mogger Carns. Froglok devotee... I responded to racy talk in group or guild with "Mammals are gross." and reminded people I was poisonous when people licked me.

My Wizard was Quartos Khan, erudite wizard with a soulbound permanent illusion froglok. If you raided with us, you might have had a rez Quartos macro. Many people did.

My major guild of importance was Dominion. Both of them, according to Fomelo, are still members, as are all of my mini frogloks. My necro is still in Silent Redemption, of which none exist. I also recall stops in Beyond and Empire. Feels like there was another guild that imploded into becoming Dominion, maybe it was one of them.

If you were in Dominion, you definitely knew me because our guild hangout was my plathouse, before Nelium started buying a Plat Donor account for Aadla.

If you had a Magician, you were almost certainly in Dominion. We let them raid.
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