Trying to help a friend get started. Technical issues.


Dalayan Beginner
Ok, I'm trying to get a friend into the game but she is having problems-- she can get in game but once their she can't see anything other then the Ui. The viewing area is either black or as she described it shades of red color around her or something like that, and then doing anything can potentially cause the game to freeze. She actually zoned once amazingly on accident while blind but after having zoned she tried to reply to a message of mine and pushing R caused the game to freeze. Other times she can push r just fine. It's totally random although tends to happen quickly after the game starts. We went through all the stuff, installed direct x 9.0c updated driver, even bought a new video card.

My questions is this though. I'm following these guidlines here

the following step in particular.

5) Delete a few EverQuest client files and folders from your EverQuest directory.

Please delete the following files or folders from your EverQuest directory:

* the uifiles folder
* userdata folder
* eqclient.ini
* eqmain.dll
* eqgame.exe
* eqgfx_dx8.dll
* EQGraphicsDX9.dll
* all files named after your characters
* any other character name files that start with UI__##.ini

My question is are these files generated by the game(I know the client.ini is, but not sure about the others) or downloaded from SOE's pather? In otherwords is it safe to delete these, Run WRPatcher, let eq generate the files, then run the Hotfix and it will be all good?

Any other advice is welcome. Also, is it safe to install a motherboard driver on a non-clean system install? Would you have to reinstall direct x and video driver afterwords?
eqgame.exe is the file that you open to run the game so, for obvious reasons, it can't generate it self. All the files listed there are stuff that are downloaded from the EQLivepatcher, except for the last two. The following files are downloaded with the wr patcher:

But I don't think that's what causing it, try this instead:

If you have it working, and she hasn't then simply make her delete everything in her RenderEffects folder, and send her what you have in yours.

That might fix it. I can't give any garantees. But you should only use this if you've done everything the start page told you to.

Also note: I didn't think of this my-self, I got the idea from playing on the S2K server, where they have that same problem, and that fixes it.
Note2: Make a backup of the folder first. Always make backups. Always.
Well we tried a bunch of stuff today. Deleted the dx 9 file. Sent and had her replace the files you recomended and used the minimum eqclient ini found on the eqlive forums. It got to the point where she could actually see graphics. She even died to a mob she could see once. However the game would crash after a few moments, maybe up to a minute.

This I found in her dbg.txt file which I had her stop eq from letting write to because I heard bad things about it.


[Thu Nov 11 21:05:06 2004]01476:process was trying to READ invalid data.

[Thu Nov 11 21:05:06 2004]01477:Invalid access occurred at virtual address 0x0dcfeae8.

[Thu Nov 11 21:05:06 2004]01478:Fatal error occurred in mainthread! (Release Client #630)

[Thu Nov 11 21:05:06 2004]01479:Client Version: Dec 22 2003 16:24:12
[Thu Nov 11 21:05:06 2004]01480:Skin Directory: UIFiles\Default\
[Thu Nov 11 21:05:06 2004]01481:Graphics DLL Loaded: EQGfx DLL Version 1.1.80 Last Build Date: Dec 17 2003 10:37:16 Intel P3 [1:6.7.3-11000]

[Thu Nov 11 21:05:06 2004]01482:Crash (char = Kaeran, zone = innothule)

[Thu Nov 11 21:05:06 2004]01483:Local Player's World location at time of crash: -2618.000000, -559.000000, -16.902721.

[Thu Nov 11 21:05:06 2004]01484:Gamestate at crash = 5
"zone = innothule"

Why its saying that I have no idea... she was either in Grobb or the Bog or the game moved her somewhere else for some reason.

"Invalid access occurred at virtual address 0x0dcfeae8."

Virtual address? Is that the swap file? Has it become corrupt? Or is it something else?

I'm having her scandisk defrag and virus scan tonight then maybe mess around with installing a new mobo driver tomorrow.

Any ideas guys? Thanks.
Meh, I have no idea what that means. If you want an answer for that, you will probably have to wait for Wany. Also I think that Bog on WR was called innothule on live, so that's the reason for that.
But I am ready to try and help. Look me up in mIRC some time, now I have to get to school however.
Well I just found out that the people who installed her gforce 4 ti4200 that she purchased just so she could play this, installed an old driver for it. Why I have no idea. Maybe they think its the most stable. Perhaps the card they installed for her was a boxed copy and they just installed the drivers on the cd. Why anyone would do that is beyond the limits of my imagination. My 2 other friends and myself all have nvidia cards, mine is actually only a geforce 1. We all use the 67 drivers and all of use have no problems. Coencidently, these drivers happen to be the ones that add directX 9b support and 9b is something that Eq seems to almost require since the, heh, 9b update.

Anyway, I have high hopes that a driver upgrade will solve this issue. I can only hope. Gonna try it tomorrow.
Ok now she has the new driver. Sadly the game is still crashing. It lasted a long time for her once, 5-10 minutes, but then crashed. I'm going to have her turn off the sound and Hardware T&L lighting and possibly vertex shaders in her ini to try and remove the sound card drivers as an issue. Also, because she has had a bit of dissapearing graphics issue which I dont know if that can cause crashing, but the T&L lighting and Shaders settings are said to be able to affect that. Hopefully, going to try and update her motherboard drivers one of these days.

Any ideas anyone?
Hi sorry about all the posts. Have some new information. This is her irq info taken before we updated her video drivers. I don't know if irqs are changed around during the process but this doesn't look too good. Her video card is being shared by a number of different things including her sound card which seems like a no no to me. Imo I think it should be on its own irq like mine is. I just don't know how to change it. I think this could be causing her crash issue. Anyone agree? Also, gonna have her clean out her registry. Anyone reccomend a good program? Was thinking about using CCleaner as it looks easy and reliable. Thanks again guys.

[Hardware Resources]


IRQ 9 HP EN1207D-TX PCI 10/100 Fast Ethernet Adapter
IRQ 9 ACPI IRQ Holder for PCI IRQ Steering
IRQ 9 SCI IRQ used by ACPI bus
IRQ 10 NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 with AGP8X
IRQ 10 Rockwell HCF 56K Data Fax PCI Modem
IRQ 10 Rockwell PCI Modem Enumerator
IRQ 10 Master Riptide PCI Audio Device
IRQ 10 ACPI IRQ Holder for PCI IRQ Steering
IRQ 11 Intel 82371AB/EB PCI to USB Universal Host Controller
IRQ 11 ACPI IRQ Holder for PCI IRQ Steering
IRQ 14 Primary IDE controller (dual fifo)
IRQ 14 Intel 82371AB/EB PCI Bus Master IDE Controller
IRQ 15 Secondary IDE controller (dual fifo)
IRQ 15 Intel 82371AB/EB PCI Bus Master IDE Controller
Ok as expected fixing the IRQ situation solved the problem. She went from being able to get maybe five minutes of gameplay at most to having just finished a 3-4 hour session. Thanks guys.
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