Troubles with Warrior's Guild Arena Challenge ( the belt progressive quest)


Dalayan Adventurer

I have had troubles with the 4th step of the belt progressive quest given out in the Newport Arena ( warrior's guild).
A couple of monthes ago, I did the quest up to the 3rd stage ( wolf), but couldnt do the next one ( killing the cyclops). After having levelled a bit, I came back, spoke to the guildmaster, and got the cagemistress to spawn the cyclops. The trouble is I cannot attack it. I can target it, but when I press attack, melee or range, nothing happens. The attack button stays pressed, and nothing else. I tried to let it depop twice, and repop it, and it's the same. I tried to "wake it up" with my shaman, but its useless.
Should I bug report it?
I have tried removing all of my buffs to make sure it was not the problem. Tried to engage ungrouped too.
And kick/bash wont work on it either.
I won't be able to address this (or anything) until sometime after new years'. Sorry.
Don't have any buffs on you that were cast before you went into the zone. You have to fight alone, with buffs that were cast in the arena, and only by you.
Ok, and thanks! I assumed last time I couldn't was part of the bug so I had myself buffed by my shaman ( lvl 23 also).
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