Trouble zoneing into world after char create


Dalayan Beginner
i created a druid and selected rivervale... i clicked next it with to load screen then it shut down and said ..."everquest cannot find "nightmareb" in the directory you are running everquest in... well i looked and i see the file right in from of me in the eq directory... what is the problem.. anyone help?
You're missing a zone file required by SoD - I suggest you patch to Live, all the way to LDoN. That will ensure you've got all the files required to play. Then patch with the SoD patcher, and enjoy.
just did

patched all the way to LDoN..... i see "nightmareb" right in front of me... i deleted it and repatched all in SoD patcher... still have the same problem :(
Re: just did

kwikvirusnick said:
i deleted it and repatched all in SoD patcher... still have the same problem :(

Last time I checked, the SoD patcher only replaced one nightmareb file, nightmareb_chr.txt - you need all the other files, there should be 7 nightmareb zone files in total, in your EQ root directory. If you've got all those files, and you've done a full repatch, I've no idea why you're getting that error.
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