Trouble while 2 boxing


Dalayan Beginner
I never had this problem before ever. It always seems like my 2nd client will freeze and even DC when I zone hop. I was told if I play to do a /cm refresh (I believe). I also have a hard time getting them both up from character select at times and some of them would be off-peak like now. I did update my drivers for video/audio but that didnt help much. Was wondering if it was on my end with wireless..

Now I haven't played SoD in quite some time, but it sounds to me like you are having the same issues I had on live. I'd alt tab between accounts, one would lock up and either take a minute or two to "work" or just crash down. Even worse during zones / loading up.

I found the way to fix it was running in compatibility mode for XP, so I'd give that a shot, perhaps.
I am no computer nerd or anything but seems like packets are getting lost somehow... I dont want to reformat my work computer just to 2 box but seems like I just might have too as I cant really play the way it is now..
What Laraden said doesn't mean you should reformat with xp.

Goto your .exe and right click it, open properties, click compatability tab, click run this program in compatability mode for windows xp (sp3).
Also make sure you are running the program as administrator, while you are there. (It's at the bottom of the compatability tab).

That's what he ment for you to try.
When I had a similar problem on an older machine, if I zoned one character at a time instead of both, it worked a lot better. Not a real fix and doesn't help in group port situations etc, but it's something.
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