troblem installing


Dalayan Beginner
hi all, found out this game online. want to try it out. is the game still going on?
so i borrow some eq1 discs from a friend.
here are the expansion:

everquest classic
ruins of kunark
scars of velious
shadows of luclin
planes of power
legacy of ykesha
lost dungeons of norrath
gates of discord

total 8 expansions. is this good enough or do i have to get EQ titanium (Minimun)
i'm using a window7 with quah-core. heres the website i follow to install

1. installed all the expansions(do i need to download the EQ patch)
2. download SoD patch (1 folder and 2 files popped up on my desktop)(what i do with those folder n filies?)
3. folder on my desktop(eqw) i open it and bring me to EQW BETA screem
4. press start EQ. couple sec later an error popped up about (unable find eqw.dll) but inside that eqw folder there is that eqw.dll file.

so i don't know what to do next. can someone ple help me out here.
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