Transfer from eqemu


Dalayan Beginner
Hey guys, as some of you might of heard eqemu was shut down today, so im looking for a new server to play on, ive heard lots of good things about SoD. I'm gonna play a mage probably named Sprinket and will box if I feel necessary, will prob only play 1box though.
just save yourself some head ache and box a druid with that mage :) ports/heals/snare = win!


Was it really closed down? That honestly sucks. Lots of good people put time into eqemu and PEQ etc.

Well - be sure to tell anyone that they are welcome here. Our client may be a bit less polished but hopefully the content will make up for it!
I see DDOS attack on their server, hardly a definitive shutdown :D mainly the proof this site has become famous.
Anyway welcome aboard you'll love it.
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