Training with Bonmig - Part I problem with quest


Dalayan Beginner
i have done as the quest asked mutlieple times and mastered the skill but he still doesnt recogize it, i destroyed my shield now he wont give me another even tho i asked him for it. any 1 have input, its stopped my chain quest and im waaaay above the lvl i originaly got it at now. any tips or help would be awsome ty

kayraska -23 sk
I did this quest a while ago. This is the one where Bonmig wants you to "train" with the shield. The shield he gives you is an expable item I think it needs like 10K experience. So no matter what level you are you'll need to gain 10K exp while wearing the crappy shield Bonmig gives you. The bash skill, afaik, is not checked at all for this quest.

I did notice a quirk in this quest. If you level the shield, then log out and come back a few days later, the shield is back to its initial, un-exp'd, state, you'll have to exp it again. This may be a bug, or it may be intended.

As far as deleting the shield, you probably shouldn't have done that. It may have broken the quest. What does he say when you hail him?
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