Tradeskill Items


Dalayan Beginner
Well I haven't played in a long time and I'm going through my inventory to raise my tailoring and I've got a bunch of tailored stuff from before the game started tagging items with "crafted by players" which means I can't put studs in it... Is there anything I can do aside from going back and remaking all those items to stud?
I had a whole bunch of cloaks and misc other pieces I had made, silks and sleeves, that don't have the mark made with trade skills.
Wow, you're not kidding about being away a while. That change was at least 5 years ago, and the decision then was that no dropped or bought or old leather armor would be exchanged for the "made with tradeskills" version. They're different items and not bugged, but they won't be stud-worthy.

Sorry, that was the call made before my staff tenure, and I'll uphold it.
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