Trader Parak in Halas


Dalayan Beginner
EXACT NAME OF QUEST NPC: Trader Parak in Halas

WHAT STAGE OF THE QUEST YOU ARE ON: First step. Accepting quest to go to 4 different traders in Halas and bring the 4 items back to you for xp and some useless gear.

WHAT THE QUEST NPC SAYS WHEN HAILED: No problem with dialogue.

EXACT NAMES OF ITEMS/NPCS INVOLVED IN THE ERROR: Parak gives 4 times/notes that must be given to 4 other traders.

YOUR OWN SPECULATION TO THE PROBLEM (if any): I had only one empty cargo slot so I recieved only 1 of the 4 notes. The other 3 notes were lost in the ether. I am now stuck in the middle of this quest.

I stumbled on this quest after delivering Trader Barak's letter to Trader Parak. My bags where full after gathering stuff to sell while traveling to Halas, and I wasn't expecting Parak to offer another quest and then give me 4 new items requiring 4 empty cargo slots.

Is there any chance I could get this quest reset in order to start it over?

Have you tried to speak with this same NPC to see if you can get the quest items again? I know several quest NPCs will give the supplies more than once (even if you can only complete it once), but not all of them work like this. Otherwise you may have to petition in game to see if you can get the items reimbursed.

I did not think to check my bank. Items could be buried down somewhere in bags in bank slots. I will check later this evening and report back.


I am unable to get the NPC to re-initiate the quest dialogue. If there is a way, I can't figure it out.
UPDATE: Quest Items lost in the ether did not go to a bank slot. And, yes, I had plenty of bank slots available.
Spiritplx said:
Otherwise you may have to petition in game to see if you can get the items reimbursed.

Ya know... When I tried the petition option I got a message saying that things like this should be address here on the forums. I'm new to SoD so I'm still leary about steping on any GM game-toes.

If I do petition, what exactly is the appropriate thing to ask for?
They usually don't want you to petition bugs, but if you need items reimbursed, then just /petition and explain what happened (and even direct them to this post) and ask if any item reimbursements are possible. They will either tell you that it is, or isn't and help you accordingly.
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