totally new here.. quick hello and plea for tech help.


Dalayan Beginner
Ullo to all , i applogise for being "ooc" here.. but this will likely be my "only" ooc post (maybe) :rolleyes:

was taking a stroll thru the Ec tunnle on sleeper (progression) when i "overhear" an intresting conversaiton about server.. the game in genral and how it sounds soo wondeful.(takes me a few senteces before i realize they are NOT talking about the sleeper server (LOL).. intriqged.i do what any normal elven mage would..i start asking quiestions....
Next thing you know im up to 3am reading the SoD website..(timed out of EQlive twice due to non action)..((keep loggin in to ask more questions to the other players)...and resolve to spend my day off (2 days to install this and give it a go.).. iv'e done everything correttly (i think)(..but for some reason when i run the patcher it starts up..says its loading general..something..and then jsut sits there..what am i missing ((if it helps i did create a copy of my eqfolder to desktop and i have extracted ALL Sod files (including maps to taht copy (still on desiktop) if anyone has any ideas /corrections please by all means let me know.. would lvoe very much to see this new world (and of course "Kovenant" the player who walked me thru evrything via eqlilve chat isnt on today...ROFLOL.. jsut me luck eh..?
I look forward to seeing everyone in SoD soon..
ok..suppose i should have mentioned that i had already done that prior to posting.. hwoever ..neither of those ideas in the tech fourm that i could find helped...
The goodnews is.. i found someone in Eqlive who had also had simlar issue when playing "here" as well.and was able to go over with me some ideas (as it turned out.. the whole thing that was stopping me was that my window browser had somewhere along ethe way reset itself to Med High secruity..blocking active x controls)..who knw?
manged to patch .but now encountering a new problem at the "eula" screen( which i WILL be reading tech forums for once im done with this reply) to see if it has the anser to this one ((im pretty sure i read soemthing simlar there).. so. ONCe again.. HELLO to everyone (ive noticed no one has botherd to say hello back yet)/grin....
and hopefully i'll see you ingame soon.
sorry no great tech hear hope you get all the buggs worked out looking forward to seeing you out there. hason the warrior :dance:
We don't deal with technical issues in this forum, at all. But I know people before you have had issues and EULA screen and gone past it, so searching would appropiate.
well .. made it in.. and started exploring.. nice place..-met a couple of folks.. looks like you folks did a great job with this place..looking forward to exploring further..
Please forgive my late welcome, there is lots going on here including some major changes so the welcoming committe has been doing some exploring of our own!!!

Welcome to an ever evolving, exciting and changed world. Be careful where you go until you've read some more lore!
Yes, Grizabella is right! Careful where you step, and don't assume everything is just like live... or you will die... a lot ;)
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