Dalayan Beginner
Hello all.
Like many of you, I played EQ Live as a kid and really enjoyed it. I'd like to try something like it again, but the idea of playing through corpse runs, hell levels, massive exp loss upon death and the like gives me headaches. SoD seems like a really nice compromise between the old and the new. I'm interested in joining the server, but I had a few questions first.
1) Groups. I hear a pretty significant part of the population is already max level, so is it hard to find groups in the early to mid levels? I'm a pretty social player, so grouping is p. important.
2) Boxxing. Not a big fan of the two-boxxing thing. Is it basically a necessity at this point or could I manage alright on my own?
3) Classes. My two favorite classes were always enchanter and cleric. Are they all that different from Live? I've seen a few neat things about Cleric on this server. Also, population: are those classes all that under/over-populated?
Like many of you, I played EQ Live as a kid and really enjoyed it. I'd like to try something like it again, but the idea of playing through corpse runs, hell levels, massive exp loss upon death and the like gives me headaches. SoD seems like a really nice compromise between the old and the new. I'm interested in joining the server, but I had a few questions first.
1) Groups. I hear a pretty significant part of the population is already max level, so is it hard to find groups in the early to mid levels? I'm a pretty social player, so grouping is p. important.
2) Boxxing. Not a big fan of the two-boxxing thing. Is it basically a necessity at this point or could I manage alright on my own?
3) Classes. My two favorite classes were always enchanter and cleric. Are they all that different from Live? I've seen a few neat things about Cleric on this server. Also, population: are those classes all that under/over-populated?