Toot toot (brand new)


Dalayan Beginner
Hello all.

Like many of you, I played EQ Live as a kid and really enjoyed it. I'd like to try something like it again, but the idea of playing through corpse runs, hell levels, massive exp loss upon death and the like gives me headaches. SoD seems like a really nice compromise between the old and the new. I'm interested in joining the server, but I had a few questions first. :)

1) Groups. I hear a pretty significant part of the population is already max level, so is it hard to find groups in the early to mid levels? I'm a pretty social player, so grouping is p. important.

2) Boxxing. Not a big fan of the two-boxxing thing. Is it basically a necessity at this point or could I manage alright on my own?

3) Classes. My two favorite classes were always enchanter and cleric. Are they all that different from Live? I've seen a few neat things about Cleric on this server. Also, population: are those classes all that under/over-populated?
First welcome
1. Groups do happen at the lower end but yes they are more rare then once you hit 65 playing a cleric you wont ever lack for a group at the high end.
2. Boxxing i know of a large number of people that ran just their one char to 65. you might have an easier time with this as the cleric instead of enchanter but both could do it.
3.Both your classes are severely under man'd from what I've been seeing as a main char. Both still form the main rules they did on live Enchanters have some more interesting ability's at the higher end.
First off, welcome!

1. The majority of the server at any given time is most likely level 65, but you'll most likely always be able to find a few people around your level, which is all you need considering most people box 2 toons. Most level 65's have alts anyway and if they're not doing anything and have an alt around your level there's always a chance they might load one up. You'll be placed in a beginners guild as soon as you create a toon where you can make friends and find groups more easily.

2. Not a necessity, but you'll be kicking yourself later if you don't. Imo, there's absolutely no reason not to level two characters up to 65 at the same time, and in the chance that you don't find a group, certain class combos can duo their way up in the meantime.

3. There are changes to all classes to SoD, but they maintain the same core principles. Hardly anyone mains an enchanter, because they really can't do much outside of a group, but they're always in demand and offer great utility. There are tons of clerics on the server, but once again, you'll always find a group and wont regret having one.
heres my decent advise.

1) Groups can be kind of hard to come by at early levels. You need to be very proactive about inviting people to do what you are doing. There are certain zones that seem like "sweetspots" that most people use when going from level X to Y. If you spend your time in these zones or try to get a group started, you should have some luck.

2) Boxing is no where near a necessity. Depending on what class you decide to start, having a box would definitely be very helpful. It is also great for the times when you can't find any groups. The two classes you picked would make a decent pair and would also (especially the cleric) be easy to find groups once you get some AAs. Fighting your way to 65 using a charm pet with a healer would work pretty well.

3) Everyone likes more healers and enchanters are now pretty powerful. I would say either of these would be good choices but wouldnt be great solo.
Cool. Thanks for the answers, everyone! If you guys don't mind, I just have a one more dumb question if possible:

I'm a little wary of messing up my characters before I even start them - what do you guys recommend for starting points for a Cleric and Enchanter? I've heard not to sink your points into wisdom for a priest/intelligence for a caster because they're easy to max with gear and the points end up wasted.
Boxing is definitely not a necessity nor do I regret leveling my ranger without another character. I leveled and got all my AAs/tomes from grouping with mostly people from OOC. It can take a bit more patience to find groups like that but since I hate soloing it really wasn't all that bad.

As for starting points, definitely put your points into charisma on the enchanter. While you will end up maxing that stat, it's around tier 8-9 that you reach that and you'll need the cha for all the time in between that. Since int/wis over 355 do nothing, that's why it's best to avoid putting your points into those. For the cleric, cha is a good option and I personally think agility is another good option for avoidance since most clerics don't have very high avoidance and do tend to get beat on occasionally.
Charisma directly affects your resists in SoD, so it's usually best to put all your points in to that if you cast spells on stuff.
Cool. Thanks for the answers, everyone! If you guys don't mind, I just have a one more dumb question if possible:

I'm a little wary of messing up my characters before I even start them - what do you guys recommend for starting points for a Cleric and Enchanter? I've heard not to sink your points into wisdom for a priest/intelligence for a caster because they're easy to max with gear and the points end up wasted.

One of the most powerful wizards on the server put all his points in wisdom, and eventually raided end game. Making a poor starting choice will cause more annoyance and garner some ribbing if mentioned to others, but won't make the character unplayable.

That said max cha on the chanter. if you solo the chanter, put some points with your class gm ( @ 5 ) in bandaging and buy one of the bandage medkits from a general vendor.

cha isn't terrible for a cleric either since autoattack is free dps and the summoned hammer proc is magic, the highest relative resist type. The cleric dd/dots/etc. are all magic as well.
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