To those who make it happen


Dalayan Beginner
Hi, I wanted to say thank you to all those who put the time, effort, and resources into this game.

I played on live for 6 years and had to stop playing because I'm on a fixed income and just couldn't afford it any longer. I love this game and I hated to retire.

A couple days ago I was browsing at ( a torrent site) for games and saw a reference to a free server for EQ. I had to check it out.

Now my monk is 16 and my shaman is 15. I can finally play my dream team and not have to pay for a second ( or even a first  :haw: ) account, and I am looking forward to getting into the end game stuff.

Thank you and see ya in game

Manual - your humble monk
Mogur - my mute but loyal servant

Going good thanks.

Monk/Shaman team are now 32. Added another to my little family, a paladin who  is now 12. I shamelessly twinked him with all the mithril plate I could afford.

I love everything so far. The quests and different mobs/zone levels from live is nice. I have to relearn everything again.

Leveling is so much faster here. Not easier, just faster. Kinda nice to not have to grind levels.

Thanks again to the devs/gms and admin...
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