Thurgadin Cape of Control quest, npc ate the items


Dalayan Beginner
In summation: Artificier Malka when hailed asked for [Anointed Cape][Codex of Plotting] and [Control Rune] in Thurgadin for the Cape of Control Enchanter item. When I turned these three items in on my enchanter Muko, nothing happened. I was not given a "Artifcer Malka returns XXXX" to you message, any dialogue whatsoever, a reward, exp, or my items returned to me, much to my dismay. I find this very odd, as I've never experienced a quest bug of this nature. She might have eaten the items due to the rediculous lag I was experiencing at the time, but I am unsure. I will try the quest again when the servers are back up as it was not horribly difficult, simply tedious.

While we're on the topic of this cape, the codex that drops from the dwarf in thurgadin is listed as CLASS: MAG instead of ENC. As is the rune that drops off of the high guards in mielb for the ring quest from the same artificer.
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