Thoughts of a Dark Elf


Dalayan Beginner
The young dark elf sat silenty by a fire in the badlands listening to the sounds carried on the wind. She had been here for sometime haveing felt a calling withen her very soul to this place. Night had fallen and she still sat listening her eyes closed in thought his long black hair blowing this way and that in the winds embrace.

She still felt something pulling at her as she looked east visions of a underground city entered her mind others of her kind held rule in this place great keeps underground the towers never reaching the tops of the caverens.

She could see Necromancers like her self held with great reverance withen this place. She could see Mages and warriors even ...She spat off to the side clerics. The vision faded as fast as it had came ...

"What was that great place ...I have yet to see such..."

She crossed her arms over her chest leaning back and looking up at the sky. "A home without the stinch of trolls or humans underfoot. A Home built in the Darkness of the land to help spread the Will of Kaezul as was meant to be for our kind ..not the ways of that false one..that was once..." She shook her head and gathered her things for her travels back to that accursed place her race called home now. As she stood her body was rocked back with a vision none could Mistake she seen herself though much older and stronger sitting on a throne of bone in the darkest part of that city all around her she could see others of her race kneeling down before her then it was gone.

Her body shivered and a grin crossed her lips as she started off now into the distance.

"We shall return to the True ways of the dead, Lord Kaezul and I shall be prophet to spread your word to my kind and lead them to your will."

She was almost singing as she moved now the dawn starting to break... "Death and Decay to the weak Strength comes in Death..."​
The girl listened carefully to the dead now haveing spent hours on the trip back to to the place they called home now. She sought out the one true place where she might find answers to the visions she had seen some she already knew. The mark on her left cheek still red and dripping blood slightly the mark was hers.

Greenmist yes old dead called this place home since before the fall the old ones of her race had told her that much before trying to divert her attention from what she sought. "Old fools seek to keep me from finding out the name of the place I seek ...scared old fools. I know our place and where we should be now ...he has showen me this place. One that all those who server him may gather makeing ourselves stronger and spreading his ways."

She was talking to the raised servant now a skeleton of her own makeing who stood motionless in the darkness of the jungle she had been sitting there waiteing as the undead would rise from the ground at this old site asking them questioning them before laying them to rest. "Weak beings I shall remake you in time as my own as his own to serve. As I am his to command follow his will and provide for those who follow his example." She raised her arms calling on the dark magic pulling the strength of the dead into her body makeing it hers to command. "He should not be made to waite for these fools die of old age ...we can do it for him ..clense the land in his name." A being staggers toward her armor falling off the old bones ..old one this was one who might know the place she sought. She called on the Dark magic again weaveing it and twisting the very existance on this fallen soul makeing it fall to its knees before his a howl of dispair causeing the creatures of greenmist to stir. This was old magic she called on now she had found deep in the caves of oggok writen in the speach of the dead. "Now old one your soul belongs to me and I shall free it from its eternal unrest ... for but a name ...I seek the name of the city covered in mist underground with towers as high as anything the humans could have built one that was lost durning the time of Fall Tell me its name old one and get what is yours. " The being shudders its mouth opening and closeing as the girls hold on it tightens a whipser being all that escaped as the girl closed her grasp sealing its soul withen the bones before her to be called upon again if need be. The girl laughed sending chills down the back of any mortal who might hear her voice.


She sat down looking over the jungle of greenmist. "I shall start to gather others now its time to start to claim things in his name once more." She sits now in the Greenmist jungle where she found the Skeleton and spoke with him. Watching and waiteing trying to decide her next move of the night.
I stand with you Sister. I too seek to discover this place, to free it from the binds of the wayward Dead. Together, with others like us, we shall find a way to restore our ancestral home to its former glory and give the Dead that inhabit it a true purpose. No longer shall the weary souls of our ancestors wallow in misery and restless torment. With our help they shall be free to exact their vengeance and wrath upon those that enslaved them while we rebuild the majesty of the place that was unjustly taken from us!
Years go by and still the dark elves long for their ancestral homes. How far the evil has gone to wipe those links away! Plagues spread across the lands as we battle to stay alive and clean from Kaezul's wrath. By the power of Shiritri I Valkarra have come of age and will fight for the happiness of those who wish peace!
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