Those who hunt hunters


Dalayan Adventurer
All random raptor encounters are finished...

Just that silly island encounter...

He doesnt "summon" but he "blinks" to you @ 30%!

TY for tips with my medicore range, I was able to take them down fairly easy, even on the island event I can bring him down fairly easy with seeker darts but at 30% he starts to "blink" on you, This is one of the cooler effects I've seen a game creature do (except it kinda sucks with him blinking on me!) LoL
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Yes i used my 1 snare trap it works great... timer is an issue...

I have seeker darts from rust as my main "range" weapon... but he does some wicked damage to me if i toss a dart at him.

I bought some different healing pots that say 5 charges in a link but they are only 1 charge, i heard they are 1k base so hopefully that will be enough for me... but man.... this really is rough, I seriously doubt a normal rogue would stand a chance in this fight. (granted im not decked out in UBER gear) but i have alot of tomes done...

I thought 30% and him blinking on me was bad but now he blinks on me at 40% :/

I seriously doubt I can even tank this guy at 10% if he blinked on me. Is this a bug? or just a fun new twist? The people that did this quest a month+ ago said he doesnt blink, you are on crack...
i can definately say that as a rogue i won this fight by pure luck. alot of my heal clickies (beads, lifetap banner, crown ect) managed to crit heal me and i still almost lost due to him blinking on me and doing rediculous melee damage.
i can definately say that as a rogue i won this fight by pure luck. alot of my heal clickies (beads, lifetap banner, crown ect) managed to crit heal me and i still almost lost due to him blinking on me and doing rediculous melee damage.

Ya I used murk beads, and a few of those big heal pots that cost 300pp an attempt to make one... I spent close to 4k in plats on this single fight already...

Im not a gimp but Im not decked out as good as Reinhardt (hes got many more tomes on me) as well as + gear in everyslot...

I did get really lucky with a cleric death save proc on me and got him down to 15% but that was with the death save and using a few pots and murk beads as well as my stances

Its a shame that I spent all the time to get that far in the main quest only to be banished from the rebels camp for life until this step is complete... :/ I honestly believe if he even blinked at 10% id really have to be ultra lucky to win vs him. Hopefully a few more people will be stuck at this step as well and possibly have the final event looked at (similar to what happened to groups hatefury).
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Silly people. If you can't beat him, then find another way. Why must everything end in death.

I'll review his versus rogue stats regardless.
Cool TY Cyzaine :)

Yes Beittil, I was getting to be a real pro at scouting and planning my ambushes at him when he is in different zones. By the 3rd spawn of him (different zone stage) I got to be so good that I didnt even need to click my murk beads.
i was aware of the diffrent way to end it but i didnt want to take that route. though i probably would have if i lost to him. anywho goodluck to those who try him in the future
I belive the wizard version of the encounter is bugged. He puts a short duration root on you, every second, after around 15-20 sec of fighting. As he quards for 500 there is no way you can toe to toe him. Just putting it in there. Thourt the root was something he used if you try to go off the island. But he just spams it on you every second. So ya. maybe look into that, I cant see how you can win a fight with him if your rooted.

When you do the none kill version you get this option - Cm d1: Wait, why do you know REDACTED? He dosent give any response at all to this, anothere bug?
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The root spam isn't a bug, you gotta figure out why he does it.

And no that isn't a bug, it's foreshadowing ;p
Cool idear Cyzaine. Only if the root is there... then your dead or gating, dosent leave much in terms of trial and error. If only I had known that it was part of the "encounter" then I may have tried more then 6 times. I just figured that it was something put in there to stop you from leaving the island and that he totaly bugged out on it =).

Only thing i can think of now is - If you snear him, then at some point maybe 15sec after that he roots you some 100 times.

Maybe you should have Rorlna give a hint as to why he insta gips you - "I'm told that he dislikes cold spells above all else. Useing that on him may make him to angry to defead"

Well as it stands I gave up on a totaly unwinnable fight and promised the guy a rematch at some later point.

other "bugs"?

Younder or shadowstep cant be used out there. when you use it you get the "warp detected!" and get moved back to Mr. hits-to-hard to tank for more then 10sec.

When I was killing him down slowly before the last fight. I had him dead from 100%-80% then 80%-60% then 60%-40%. As i was fighting him again in dreadlands Aballister ran by, He was also on the quest and as soon as he got with in agro range. Raptor jumped from 33% to 100% he was still agro on me and I powerd on. Bringing him back down to 77% where upon he flicked his tail. Now the next time I engaged him he started out at 77% and i had to kill him back down all the way, 20% at a time. This was not fun =).

When fighting him in Landing i moved over the cliff and he droped under the ground. i was forced to gate out.
I posted a note, under the Dreadlands bugs thread.

Just wondering, I've killed Raptor at least 10 times now, and quest won't advance to the final encounter. Guildies have done it, successfully, even walked me through the steps once my initial series of kills where completed.

I have no clues from quest dialogue what I am doing wrong. People I've talked to who've completed the quest have no idea either.

Okay... I finally figured out why I had to kill him so many times.

Several of us were doing the quest at the same time, and I kept killing other people's Raptor spawns. Don't think the other people knew why they were having trouble finding him where he was supposed to be.
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