This is what we did...

Tarrax Ironwolf

Dalayan Beginner
starting with a completely fresh installation of the EQ game we followed this particular order...

1. Installed all disks up to Shadows of Luclin (no Planes of Power).

2. We then ran the normal EQLive patcher (the one you normally would use when you play EQ) and let it patch to its hearts content.

3. Once that was finished patching, we clicked the 'advanced button' and checked all the boxes including 'Optional Zones' except the special server. Saved it, and closed it. (DO NOT let it scan the harddrive just close the program after you SAVED it).

4. We then re-ran the EQLive patcher again so it would look to see if we have any of the 'advanced features' we enabled and saved in the step 3 above, and let it patch them.

5. Once that was done. We closed the EQLive patcher (and just in case, we deleted the EQLive patcher shortcut from the desktop). We then installed the WRPatcher to its own folder (not as a sub-folder in the EQ folder) See below:


6. Then we installed the HOTFIX into the EQ FOLDER (default is C:\Program Files\Everquest (or Everquest Trilogy).

7. We then double-clicked the WRPatcher program PatchWR.exe and followed the instructions that popped up for the patcher. The first one is pretty straight forward. We browsed to where the Everquest directory folder (again default location is C:\Program Files\Everquest), clicked next.

8. It then asked if you wish to use EQWindows, we chose no. Clicked Next.

9. We then clicked on that we wanted to 'Backup' our files. And then it finish.

10. Finally, just to make sure, we ran the WRPatcher again (PatchWR.exe) to see if it needed to patch anything else.

11. Once that was done, we clicked 'RUN'.

We followed this proceedure, and it worked the very first time we did it. No errors, lockups, or black screens. Though we did have some funky graphic tearing the first time we logged on, but that was immediately fixed by just rebooting her computer and everything was hunky-dory.

If this proceedure works for you, CONGRATZ! If not, I am at a loss of why its doing what its doing on your PC.
Hopes other people read this post.

Also, if you are having problems connecting or downloading a file from WR patcher - Uninstall EQ entirely and redownload all files (patcher, hotfix, etc from WR) and follow this guide.
post-luclin files

When you do steps 2 - 4 and connect to the EQLive patcher, you can download all the expansion files. (If you really want to be a truly sick freak, you can just install the core EQ classic disk and make it download everything. Be ready to wait a loooong time though unless yer on dsl or faster. Even then it'll take a while.
Aye... We have DSL and the download didn't take that long at all. But I could imagine anyone on a dial-up could probably head out to see a movie while it downloads. *chuckle*
Try three or four movies. Just updating everything (had discs for all but Ykesha) and downloading the Ykesha content took about an hour on my DSL.
I can tell you from personal and painful experience that on dial up the regular EQL patch plus optional zones can easily take 20+ hours. I think it jumped up to 35-40 when I got a new computer and also had to get an expansion I preordered (no disks). ;(
Did everything exactly as described yet after I hit Run on the patcher it closes and nothing happens.
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