This is pretty cool.


Dalayan Beginner
I was just thinking about EQ the other day, I quit playing about 6 years ago. I tried eq2, tried wow, tried guildwars and haven't really played anything in quiet a while. A friend of mine got me started and gave me some suggestions on starting race and type, which I ignored and started an iksar necro. I learned to solo him just about everywhere and people loved him in groups since I refused to be a manapump and actually worked. People were pretty surpised what a good necro could do.

Anyways, have to track down my old disks now and see if I rememeber anything from the old days :)
Try not to remember all those things from your old days... it'll just get you frustrated when you realize things are different here.

Come in with a open mindset and you'll adjust fine and probably love it.

Oh, and "welcome" I guess.
Meet Tarutao, if SoD was wal-mart, he'd be the grumpy cripple at the door.

You're gonna love this man. You're gonna love it.
Thanks :) Got everything loaded up last night and patched and logged in today. Going to reroll my necro as a main. I've remembered maybe 50% of the controls and how to do macros, that's going to take some time. What I did remember how to do real well was die repeatedly.

IS there an atlas or a map out that shows what zone connects to where?

I can see the iksar starting zone isn't the same. Which makes me a little sad, I liked the field of bones and Kurn's tower for a newbie hunting ground. And the tower was a great place to farm bone chips. Ah well, onward and upward :)
Also, no need for bone chips to summon your pet as a Necro. However, they are useful for various tradeskills and a quest or two, so do save them.
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