Thinking of joining SoD, few questions first ...


Dalayan Adventurer
Hello folks!

Spent a few hours here reading your forums/rules, and looking over the very large data base you have at the wiki site. Looks to me like SoD has gone and made what we all hoped EQ2 would have been!

Like many of the other posts here, my wife and I are former EQ players that moved to WoW, we're now looking into coming back to EQ but the game has just seemed to go wild with content, catering to the power guilds first, and the common guy last, which is why there player base is slowly dwindling. So why is there 3000+ people playing SoD?

My first question: Just how similar is SoD to EQ, I see there is a new /style function, which looks to be interesting, also some of the zones were revamped .. LOVE that kaladim is now a ghost town, very cool idea.

Second question is content and player base. While I loved the old EQ, I also like questing, and having more to do then mindlessly grind levels .. has SoD introduced new quests for my wife and I to keep busy between levels? Then while leveling I heard the game post 20 is kinda slow, but after that will we be able to group more often, neither of us are really big on running 2 accounts.
One more question, is the game forever limited too the GoD expansion? Is there new content added ever other then GM events (which I am really looking forward to seeing)
first, 3000+ people dont play sod :p

there is about 350 on a daily basis.

2nd, sod is COMPLETELY different from EQ. we just use the same graphics basically. so dont expect it to be the same.

spells, zone names, etc are all changed.

second, there are tons of quests. faction quests, the main quest, and starfall quests. RP quests, ..lots and lots of quests. enough to keep you busy.

grouping can be a challenge*atleast finding one is* at any level. more so in your 60s. but it isnt impossible.
One more question, is the game forever limited too the GoD expansion? Is there new content added ever other then GM events (which I am really looking forward to seeing)

new content is often added every few months or so. the GoD expansion was sort of resent. i dont think it'll change for a while.

kunark is currently out of the picture, but eventually it'll pop up.
Thanks for the quick responce, I just found the "Some things you should know that are different between SoD and "The Game" section on the wiki page which explains a lot.

So the forums on EQlive were lying about your player numbers. There is a huge post there about the creation of a "Classic Server" and someone said you guys had like 2200-3000 players.
Depends on how you define players. If you are talking accounts, way more than the number posted... However as Ash said, peak time online is around 400 *toons* at one time.
2000-3000 players as a whole, yes. Actually maybe a little more with the casual players that log in once every while.

The server has many good quests, and alot of lore depth.
One difference I would add is that tradeskills give you experience!!! You can level up (a lot) simply by tradeskilling. There is no level cap for tradeskills. So, in theory, you could max any tradeskill to 250 at level 1 (but tradeskilling gives you exp, so you won't be level 1 when you max it out). The mining system is new. They have a way to check for people using macros, so don't do it. :p
Active accounts seem to be ~4500. Of course that includes people who box two accounts and selling mules.

3200 sounds reasonable.

Also we are very much a different game content wise but you will find the same feel - its hard not to get at least a bit of nostalgia playing here.

Best bet is to give it a shot and see if you like it! Think of it like an infinite free trial.
My sig is fine, you can see me dance nekkid as soon as you let me be a dragon in more than pocket plane! Yes, I have lapdancing emotes for mobs.

Okay, maybe not nekkid, but bikini pics available soon (he got a new camera!).

If you want nekkidness, you're too far away. :p
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