The Watchmen movie (saw it last night)


Dalayan Adventurer
I never read the watchmen comics, I have a buddy that loves comics (he took me to this movie) with that being said… here's my review of the watchmen movie (got to see it last night at a sneak preview).

As a non comic buff, I thought the movie was pretty decent, good action and character interduction was nice. I have to say my favorite character was the dirty mask'd guy, his mask looked wicked as it moved around. The big blue guy (Dr. Matthatten) imploded people (looked like an insta gib from old Quake and the rail gun action: Very cool!) One draw back with the big blue guy… he was naked… a lot :/

Some pretty good fights of the heros getting jumped by a large street ally gang and some fighting during a prison riot, a lot of little flash backs of characters past lives…

All in all, id say Im glad I got to see it for free on the Ultra screen (all movies look much better on the big screen) :), my buddy who is a comic freak, said this movie is awesome! its dead on from comic to movie.

he gives it - awesome, must see, a+++
I give it a good solid average movie, kinda long, got me interested in maybe checking out the book...
I see it on Imax on saturday. Been a huge fan of the comic for years, and am very trepidatious about the cuts I've heard about. But if another fan of the comic liked it (and Ebert liked it as well it seems), then perhaps I can relax some.
There may have been a lot of glowy blue penis, but the chick also takes her clothes off, and its fantastic.
Are you really excited to see Bubastis, Furrygamer?
I dunno, I never like DC Comics that much. Marvel was more my thing. If I want to see a comic book character who is both blue and perpetually nude, I'll take Mystique, tyvm.

The movie was overly long and dragged out past the logical ending point. However, it did have its entertaining parts - I just can't remember them. Overall, it's worth seeing at least once, so you realize that you're not really missing anything and can watch something better.

I give it two thumbs up, Caesar style.
Saw it in IMAX! Spoilers ahead :dance:

I liked the movie overall. I think I liked Ozy's plan in the movie more than the comic books. It seemed to come less out of left field, but accomplished the same. I didn't like that they gave Doc M.'s last line to Laurie, and didn't even have her deliver it to Ozy, I think it lost alot of its impact due to that.

The music was hit or miss. 'The Times they were a changin' kicked ass, but I think most of the rest of the music tended to be jarringly out of place.

Rorschach was spot on. I don't think he could have been played better. Doc M. was also just as I imagined him. Ozy not so much, and I think they made Night owl almost too competent and effective. I always got the picture from the comics that he was a bit past his prime.

Special props to creatively showing the history of the minute men, and their fates in such an awesome manner.

Pretty much, I don't think it would have been possible to have made the movie better than it was, but this won't be dethroning the comic any time soon. I look very forward to the DVD release; if for no other reason than I really need to see what they did with the pirate sub comic.
I saw it two days ago and thought it was a very good movie. It is about 3 hours long but I like my movies long. To me an hour and a half is a waste of my $11. Never read the comic book so I can't compare the two ( I was more of a Marvel fan ). The action was awesome and I would have to say my favorite characters were Nite Owl and Rorschac. I thought the plot was well done. The only thing I didn't much like was the very long sex scene. I think that could have been shortened just a bit, but maybe that's just me. All in all it kicked a lot of ass.
A pov from someone who didn't read the comic:

It was very long, did a lot for describing who these characters were, but missed the point of introductions. Ok, so there were these people that put on masks and became superheros??? How did that come about? How did they become good at fighting? They did a decent job /w Manhattan, but the rest of them...

For all the time the movie had, the movie left me without much thought about the watchmen. It really should of been split into 2 movies. 1 Introducing the characters, how they came to become watchmen, the Nixon "No Mask" act, and build up some interest into the characters. The second on the last half of the movie and the plot line.

There were definitely points where you knew they were mentioning plotlines from the comic, but for anyone who didn't read them it just made the story fall flat on its face.

The short action parts were decent. Making it with a hot (ok, not really, she was ok..) super-chick in your sweet spaceship (err, bug like flame-throwing hovercraft), and the tiger/antelope pet would bring out warm feelings in nerds... and thats about the best I can say.


But the huge amount of male-nudity/banana-hammock action, the rape scene (Why didn't they kill Joker there?), the killing of the pregnant girl (Again, kill him ffs, what kind of super-"hero" are you?), the dull characters, the left field introduction to various plotlines (that sounded alot more fun that what was going on..) that went nowhere ****KILLED**** any inklings of making this movie enjoyable.
I agree with most of what you said, I never read the comic so when I actually watched the movie it left me thinking WTF! I mean DR. Manhattan was cool and all but did I really need to keep seeing his little smurf?!?! I mean come on, and the movie left without any real knowledge of who the watchmen were except some washed up ex super heroes that nobody really wanted around anyway. Then the ending my gosh I'm not going to get started on that...

To be honest the only cool things about the movie was the fight scenes and Rorschach. All in all I was kinda disappointed and felt a little misled by the trailer but what can you do, just glad I didn't pay to see it (my friend paid for me heh) but yeah just my two pennies I'm sure there's a lot of people out there who enjoyed the movie greatly.

A pov from someone who didn't read the comic:

It was very long, did a lot for describing who these characters were, but missed the point of introductions. Ok, so there were these people that put on masks and became superheros??? How did that come about? How did they become good at fighting? They did a decent job /w Manhattan, but the rest of them...

For all the time the movie had, the movie left me without much thought about the watchmen. It really should of been split into 2 movies. 1 Introducing the characters, how they came to become watchmen, the Nixon "No Mask" act, and build up some interest into the characters. The second on the last half of the movie and the plot line.

There were definitely points where you knew they were mentioning plotlines from the comic, but for anyone who didn't read them it just made the story fall flat on its face.

The short action parts were decent. Making it with a hot (ok, not really, she was ok..) super-chick in your sweet spaceship (err, bug like flame-throwing hovercraft), and the tiger/antelope pet would bring out warm feelings in nerds... and thats about the best I can say.


But the huge amount of male-nudity/banana-hammock action, the rape scene (Why didn't they kill Joker there?), the killing of the pregnant girl (Again, kill him ffs, what kind of super-"hero" are you?), the dull characters, the left field introduction to various plotlines (that sounded alot more fun that what was going on..) that went nowhere ****KILLED**** any inklings of making this movie enjoyable.
The movie and book wasn't supposed to be about the "heroes" themselves. It was written more to push the morality play of how far will you go to bring peace to the world. How many lives must be sacrificed to save the human race. At least that's what I took from reading and watching it.

Oh yeah, and way to much male frontal nudity! I mean jeeze at least in the comic, he wore at least some kind of costume from time to time.

Oh yeah #2, hiya ya'll. I'm new to the shard, and really diggin' it. :)

-Zenar the befuddled Vah Shaman
I actually thought it was a nice break from the total cheese you normally find with "superhero"

movies... When will one liners die for god sake?

Anyway I thought it was a pretty good film. but I agree, seeing blue snakes every five min was just plain wrong lol
I'm not a big Dc fan, I prefer Marvel comics. BUT, it was a decent movie imo. It had a decent enough story to be interesting and my number one want in a movie...ACTION.
I want to see a deadpool movie but the green lantern movie I'm hoping is good too.
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