The Vah Blades


Dalayan Beginner
Has anyone else had his problem?

I have collected my Shir blades. Given them to the Traveler to make sure they are what she is after.

My quest log says feed them to Parcelan and kill him get them back. I've done this.

Back to the Traveler with the blades to re temper them. She hands then back.

Then its off to save the next 2 cats. Handing one the appropriate key/mark/shir blade(s)... I tried Vahir Rahkahl first... The blades/key/mark were returned without any further response from the cat. When I hail it only says 'so and so is shackled to the floor unconscious.'

My quest log is stuck on the pre-parc fight. So I tried doing things over. The traveler wont take the blades, Parcelan wont take the blades, and neither of the cats will take the blades/key/mark combo.

I have also tried to start all over with new blades. And it comes back as being lore. I'm hesitant to delete the blades I have. Any Idea's?

Thanks :)

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Killed monkeys, and bloodfang... got the blades to drop again. When I try to loot each blade over says lore. any other idea's?

perhaps someone could check my flags see if they got messed up?

I went ahead an destroyed the old blades and recollected new ones (3rd time around) once again traveler wont take them, parc wont eat them, cats wont be freed by them. Guess I'm stuck, gonna try a petition... wish me luck!

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