The Surefall druid sap quest.


Dalayan Beginner
I did the druid Sap quest from Guildleader in Surefall, had the empty vial for turn in. Hail'ed him, went through the chat to make sure I was supposed to hand the vial to him after all. And he gives me another vial (to start quest again). What the hell, says I. It's repeatable, not half bad exp. I'll do it again. Next time trees pop I do it again, and he doesn't accept the turn in this time... so I'm guessing it's not meant to be repeatable.

Just a heads up, maybe set it so he wont give ya a new vial if you're A: done the quest or B: have ANY of the vials involved in the quest (either empty, 3/4,1/2,1/4) ) in inventory/bank.
Are you getting the actual quest reward for this?? The reward is supposed to be the Amulet of Living Wood.
Ya, I got it the first time. Quest isn't broken or anything, it just will give you quest items a second time despite not being able to do the quest again.
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