
Dalayan Beginner
Hmm, yeah I run the SoD Patcher and it just takes me into regular EQ, not SoD.

Anyone got any ideas? It was working this morning up until I downloaded Velius.
Zoban, I did that and it worked perfectly, as probably evidenced by the fact that I was too busy playing to reply with a "thank you."
Glad ta yer it and you are most welcome ..

Haven't had a lotta time to log into game lately so at least I can still feel involved by assisting others where I can.
Second time lol I know I shouldn't have been lazy

Well I used the last "new" Patcher who replaced the blue one before old SoD was shut, so yes I have .net 1.1 in french (is it the problem ? Smile .
I directed to the good EQ directory,checked "repatch all", unchecked "EQW", checked and unchecked the logging...well Everything I noticed in the previous posts about this patcher. Iit 's been always blocked at "getting patch list..." . Otherwise teh game still works (well when it will be up Wink and I keep applying the patch files I directlly downloaded from the site. The only thing I see is a possible router problems, maybe it needs some ports opened. Hope it helps.
Would prolly look at ports for sure .. if on XP then add the sodpatcher.exe to the firewall exceptions as a start .
I just got the patcher yesterday when the server was down and it seems that everytime I run the patcher, I have to point it at my EQ directory again.
I swear I extracted it...perhaps I didn't. I never really thought about it. No, it has to be unzipped.

sodpatcher.exe I unzipped it to my hard drive, because I downloaded as "".
XP will automatically open a zip file if you double click it like a folder ..

just a thought is all .
Buttlol Zoban, yeah I use winrar, so I extracted it to my EQ directory, launched either sodbin and sodpatcher , and they do exactly the same thing which is getting patch list...and I noticed I have more and more client crash problems these days (it first happened when I was dual clienting on 2 seperate hard drives) so I"m a little freaked out now :s and about the firewall thing, it's a Netgear router, so I need the ports to open and not the applications please .
Thanks by advance

Edit : no I don't use the crappy XP firewall, and I'm under XPsp1 to prevent useless questions
Can't help ya much with the Netgear as I haven't used one of thyem in couple years. Not enough options in them for my use..
Zoban said:
XP will automatically open a zip file if you double click it like a folder ..

just a thought is all .

It's definitely not that, as I just unzipped it again to a new directory and it still doesn't find it automatically after selecting it once. I tried sodpatcher and sodbin.
Assertor said:
Second time lol I know I shouldn't have been lazy

Well I used the last "new" Patcher who replaced the blue one before old SoD was shut, so yes I have .net 1.1 in french (is it the problem ? Smile .
I directed to the good EQ directory,checked "repatch all", unchecked "EQW", checked and unchecked the logging...well Everything I noticed in the previous posts about this patcher. Iit 's been always blocked at "getting patch list..." . Otherwise teh game still works (well when it will be up Wink and I keep applying the patch files I directlly downloaded from the site. The only thing I see is a possible router problems, maybe it needs some ports opened. Hope it helps.
A$$, anything french is a problem :D
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