The Night Wraith... What the!!!! Warning about SF2 Paladin

Kirin Folken

Dalayan Elder
I dont know if this mob was here already or added, but its a royal pain in the butt.

The mob will attack anyone that goes near the fotune in North Freeport (see invis), guessing its about level 50 as it blue. Hit for what I would expect, seem to have a healthy hp pool.

What gives me concearn however is its proc. It appears to proc a 1000pt Life tap that far as I can tell is unresistable. It can proc often as well, this realy makes me wonder what this mob is all about.

If it was there orginaly seem out of wack unless it drops some nice loot. However if this mob was added just to deal with people trying to complete the new SF2 quest, how is a level 50 mob procing a 1000pt life tap balanced for a quest level 45s are suppose to be able to coplet (grouped).

To make matter worse... the mob is unslowable, and undebuffed from what I saw, every debuff style spell I tryed to use on it gave me the "your target is immune"

A level 65 paladin even tryed to deal with the Night Wraith, I dont know what his gear was but he was swinging a very large black (nasty) looking sword and I was seeing some very high numbers. The Paladin was unable to kill the mob due to its life taps, to make matter worse my shaman empty his mana bar healing the paladin as the 1000pt procs were very quickly beating him down.

It appears short of coming in with 60+ level DPS group the only way for a paladin to get the item is to use a DA trick (pop grab and run for zone).

This seems unfair to paladins trying to complete this quest, as you dont get DA until 51 so saying the quest is completeable at 45-60 is wrong.
But you do have to deal with it in one way or another.

So you have ot ether...

FD pull him away..
DA pull away/grab and go..

Somehow I doubt mez will work.


When I get a chance to log I guess Ill just stick to plan A... DA and grab and go.
As far as I know, that mob has been there a LONG time. Sure it's harder than rest of mobs around the area, but he's not unbeatable... Not sure at this moment how would him react to skeleton form, tho...
The proc is a 720 AE lifetap, which is a bitch. However, he's not impossible, and there is a paladin who has already gotten the soulfire (which was dissapointing for a 65)
Well Considering its a quest for a 45-60 I would imagine a 65 would be disappointed with it (specialy anyone with raid gear).

Its a AE life tap??? Blah thats even worse

...Daedeus I think you where the paladin I was healing :) I might be wrong.
you are right, i was caught off guard for this mob. he was hitting me from 30-90 but the lifetap was a killer. I thought it was ae since i saw your paladin's corpse in the area. Regardless, a 720 dd lifetap seems a little intense for the mob.
The First time I tryed to grab the bag the Wraith and a Dead Crusader can flying out and my paladin was dead in about 5 secs. This is no joke I thought i had aggroed some 65th level mob or something. Looking back in my logs the Night Wraith hit me 2 times for 80-90 dmg procing both times, then its second volley of attacks proced twice more, with 3k hps a 730 Life tape procing 4 times + the Higher level Crusader (who con yellow) layed my paladin out dead before I could do anything. My shaman was out of aggro range so I rezed. Second try I thought I might pull with my shaman and grab with my paladin (as DA after rez takes awhile to come up and I didn't have it loaded orginaly).

This didn't work well as the Night Wraith went right for my paladin and I was unable to get it mad enof at my shamany to follow him. As it was unrootable my paladin ended up taking a dirty nap again. This was when you showed up after I had just rezed my paladin again.

If I hadn't had rez sickenness I would have had my paladin help melee the Wraith, I also didn't have my pet out as the last run the wraith ate him so I was a bit unprepared to help other then tossing heals :(

IF that Life Tap realy is AE it would explain why the second try went so bad.. with 2 toons and a pet to nail with the Life Tap he was truly invnicble to me and my boxed toon.

The Life tap is definitly intense for that mob, I would say its VERY out of line. BUt i figure there must be a reason for it. Wiki list the Night Wraith as droping some orb that no one knows the use of. So its some sort of quest mob.. which kinda makes alittle more sense why he seems over the top.

I am curious to find out what Wiz means by your dont have to deal with him. Since every time I have tryed (3 times now) he has come flying out of the temple. His Aggro range is MASSIVE and seems hell bent on protecting that foutain. So with wiz comment makes me wonder if something screwy is going on.

Like hes not suppose to aggro like that.....

Like I said currently.. I dont see how your suppose to "not deal" with The Night Wraith.
Been able to solo him with my Mage but very barely (pet died at 20%, Monster summoning killed him while i kited). I would suggest bringing a high lvl pet friend
IIRC, there is a reason why those wraith are there, since they involve certain encounter in the zone. (Yes, there are 2...night Wraith and doom wraith), since that encounter is minor raid, don't expect them being toned down, specially if there's a way around them.
Definitly not looking for a tone down ( well prehaps the aggro range if that is the issue).


Are we doing something wrong?
Is its aggro range realy that large?

Many people (10+ ) have said that is in fact where the Rites of Cleansing is (ground spawn ontop of Foutain)

So unless there Lieing, I am questioning weather or not The Night Wraith Aggro range is correct for people trying to do this quest if we are not suppose to have to deal with the Night Wraith. I have no idea where it spawn location is, as I can't get anywhere near the temple to see how far it is aggroing from with out it aggroing. The Foutain is a rather large range away from the temple door so even if the Night Wraith was standing on the other side of the door it shouldn't be aggroing at that range, unless its coded to aggro if anyone gets close to the foutain.

Which I am guessing is the case as even touching the outer ring of the foutain on the far side caused the Night Wraith to come flying out of the temple.
i dont know, i was killing a few things on the balcony's when it agroe me, but i had already been there for a good 10 - 15 minutes.
Well just complete the Soulfire quest :) I realy like the sword.. however alreayd found one issue.. the 2h soulfire has no blade grapic :(
Kirin Folken said:
Well just complete the Soulfire quest :) I realy like the sword.. however alreayd found one issue.. the 2h soulfire has no blade grapic :(

Do you have particle effects turned off? It's possible that the blade is completely made of particle effects and as such would be invisible to you otherwise. Just an idea.
Yup that was the problem.. you have ot turn your particle effects to high or the balde doesn't even show up.

2h is the Firey Defender graphic (full blade of fire)
1h is the old Soulfire (two hander sword with burning blade)
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