The new guy


Dalayan Beginner
Hey. Ex-WoW player. I used to hop around on private servers and eventually hopped onto retail, but found that it was just endless grind in less than interesting environments with little customization in terms of characters and no real exploration going on. ********* reminds me a lot of Morrowind, and whatnot.

I really just got into this because my uncle used to play ********* a lot before he died (If you played retail and knew a High Elf Enchanter named Notsucou, that was him. He also played a gnome wizard on EQII) and I was always so fascinated watching him play. So, I figured I would give the game a shot.

I do have a few questions, though.

I plan to play a High Elf Enchanter later on once I have a better grasp of the game and how it works. Can anyone recommend a good race with a starting zone that isn't dark as Doom 3 and some decent quests and whatnot to get started, as well as a starting class that's easy to learn the game with? I played a Hunter, Death Knight, Shaman, Druid and a Priest, doing all three jobs with them. I played the Hunter, Death Knight and Druid the most though.

And could anyone recommend some decent websites with a lot of good information for beginners? I know SoD has its own wiki, but I figure it's more about the information specific to the server rather than the game itself.

Oh and hi.
Wiki is just about the best resource available for the game. Check out,

For some handy info.

Tipt (Vah) and Newport (Human, halfling, and many others) are very strong newbie areas with tons of starting quests for most all the classes.

To make it real easy for yourself to start, consider boxing a healer + whatever class you find interesting. You are allowed 2 clients at once here, more than that will be a ban though. Personally I started out as a necro solo, and had a fine time, and when my brother started he was a magician solo and did fine as well. Hit up
for more details!

Consider avoiding making a troll or iksar until you get a bit of a grasp on the game as it is and its basic mechanics. While an experienced MMO player will do fine, Stingers Bog can still be a harsh newbie area.
Welcome aboard. Hope you find what you like here, it's a very immersive place I'm sure you'll love it, but don't expect Morrowind graphics :D

Enchanter high elf is fine, you should go for it if it's what you wanna try out first. You'll start in Athica which is most busy place in game as it's very small, so you can find company and advice there - remember no question is stupid, if you don't find what you want you can still ask around.
Then indeed you might want a second class as backup, you can find interesting combinations but a healer is always useful and sought after. You can have a druid or cleric starting in the same city if you don't wanna get straight into the transportation system that you learn over time. Druids are always handy as they teleport and give you speed & DS buffs so that's what I'd advise.

Have fun on the tracks of Notsucou
I'd dualbox but I'm on a crappy laptop that's almost as old as EQ itself. Partially why I haven't played too much, the controls are awkward as it is, add in five foot viewing range, mix well...

I was just reminded of Morrowind while winding through boxy corridors is all. I got that strange feeling of exploration.

Speaking of that, I take it exploration is sort of hard in this game? I just recall walking out into the first leveling area on some characters and seeing monsters that are LEVELS above me, and even getting killed by monsters just passing by.
it can be hard getting around when youre new and low in level as there ARE monsters that will aggro you if you get too close. to check if youre kos (kill on sight) press the C button when you have a mob targetted. scowling and threatening will attack on sight. the rest will ignore you until you start feeling em up.

but once you grow a lil bit, you can get spells that increase your run speed and allow you to avoid monsters more easily and also AAs that increase your innate speed.

the way to get around is: on foot, teleport (druids and wizards can do this), and also there is the mansion of portals (MoP). its a treacherous zone where you can speak only in tells and cant cast any spells. sometimes it randomly casts snare, nukes and speed buffs - get in and get out fast kinda place. its useful though because it has exits to most populated zones all over the world.

have fun
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