Thanks for the reply. When I hold rightclick over the spell it opens up a window with it's info. That info says it's a 1hb (wtf lol!) that is usable by all races, usable by all classes but with level 255 except bst which is (0)
Now it's funny you mention patching correctly! I would like to but I can't. I found this to be useful to get me going but it didn't seem like a final solution as it has me skipping the patcher. I'm going to start a thread about the patching problem I'm having in the tech area then but I'll mention the symptoms here as well. It's just hanging for me on a file (usually eqstr_us.txt).
-I've tried deleting files.txt, and the file it hangs on and having the patcher repatch all
-I've tried redownloading the patcher
-I've read every related post I could find.
-I downloaded the manual patch from that link I gave above zip and patched that way
I'm fully patched from the game through LDON.
I'm on xp sp2 with .net 1.1 only (I had been with 3 but realized the problem there and uninstalled it and now just have 1.1 only)
Thanks for any help!