The dream, the sorcerer


Dalayan Beginner
As an ogre shadow knight, I cannot scribe the spell into my spelbook to cast on her.

It states "Your race, class, or diety cannot use this item"

I'm having the same problem as the OP. It's so odd that she gave me the spell but yet I can't scribe it. I've tried reading the book I also have but it doesn't seem to have any information pertaining to her. I've tried targeting the Sorcerer and right clicking the spell in my inventory and it doesn't do anything. Any help would be appreciated as I seem to be stuck here. What a noob I am lol :/
When you look at the spell does it show up as usable for your level and class? Make sure you have patched correctly. I checked this for someone recently and it worked fine for me in a test...but they refused to patch to SoD for some bizarre reason.
Thanks for the reply. When I hold rightclick over the spell it opens up a window with it's info. That info says it's a 1hb (wtf lol!) that is usable by all races, usable by all classes but with level 255 except bst which is (0)

Now it's funny you mention patching correctly! I would like to but I can't. I found this be useful to get me going but it didn't seem like a final solution as it has me skipping the patcher. I'm going to start a thread about the patching problem I'm having in the tech area then but I'll mention the symptoms here as well. It's just hanging for me on a file (usually eqstr_us.txt).
-I've tried deleting files.txt, and the file it hangs on and having the patcher repatch all
-I've tried redownloading the patcher
-I've read every related post I could find.
-I downloaded the manual patch from that link I gave above zip and patched that way

I'm fully patched from the game through LDON.
I'm on xp sp2 with .net 1.1 only (I had been with 3 but realized the problem there and uninstalled it and now just have 1.1 only)

Thanks for any help!
Eep said:
Thanks for the reply. When I hold rightclick over the spell it opens up a window with it's info. That info says it's a 1hb (wtf lol!) that is usable by all races, usable by all classes but with level 255 except bst which is (0)

Now it's funny you mention patching correctly! I would like to but I can't. I found this to be useful to get me going but it didn't seem like a final solution as it has me skipping the patcher. I'm going to start a thread about the patching problem I'm having in the tech area then but I'll mention the symptoms here as well. It's just hanging for me on a file (usually eqstr_us.txt).
-I've tried deleting files.txt, and the file it hangs on and having the patcher repatch all
-I've tried redownloading the patcher
-I've read every related post I could find.
-I downloaded the manual patch from that link I gave above zip and patched that way

I'm fully patched from the game through LDON.
I'm on xp sp2 with .net 1.1 only (I had been with 3 but realized the problem there and uninstalled it and now just have 1.1 only)

Thanks for any help!

I got your PM, but I have no idea how to fix your issue. Anyone that is able to is also reading this forum, so there is no where else to pass the message along to. :(
I solved the problem!! What was happening is I wasn't getting patched properly. I was using the patch linked in this link but that isn't a complete patch! So dont use the patch from the first link unless you've already been able to run the patcher to completion. Use this one ---> I found that I needed to be applying the manual patch found at this link for it to work! I had been having all sorts of string not found errors and game problems but now that I have the full patch installed it's working like a dream... so to speak.
Eep said:
I solved the problem!! What was happening is I wasn't getting patched properly. I was using the patch linked in this link but that isn't a complete patch! So dont use the patch from the first link unless you've already been able to run the patcher to completion. Use this one ---> I found that I needed to be applying the manual patch found at this link for it to work! I had been having all sorts of string not found errors and game problems but now that I have the full patch installed it's working like a dream... so to speak.

Glad to hear you finally got your patching issue resolved! :dance:
deadmeatfj said:
Ive patched 6 times and cant scribe the spell =/

Manually download the most recent patch files. In your case click here for 4/10/07. Xardon is slacking and doesn't have today's patch files up yet! DL those instead if/when he posts them, and place them into your game folder. That is what fixed it for Eep (he originally was downolading and moving OLD patch files, heh).

*Edited to reflect Wiz's comment about today's patch files.
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