The blade of suffering


Dalayan Beginner
Any considerations for us newbie warriors to moving the ore to non-Thurg mobs?

With bounty hunting now, it would be awful to be kos to thurg for any long period of time.

Just wondering as I plan on what to do in regards to this quest.

You can fix thurgadin faction literally in a day by killing Harthuks. If you collect their horns, you can even be smart and dump like 4 stacks at a time whenever your factzion drops to dubiously for instant ally again.
nah its really easy, and if you get bored with harthuks i believe killing the dragons in GD also increase your faction but im not 100% sure on that.

*EDIT:* you also get some gold and a bloodstone for everyhorn? or maybe just a bloodstone? i dont rememeber. but you'll get a lil bit of cash from it aswell
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nah its really easy, and if you get bored with harthuks i believe killing the dragons in GD also increase your faction but im not 100% sure on that.

It will increase your faction with the dwarves, but it will destroy your faction with dragons. You need that dragon faction to do the quest. Repairing that takes a LOT longer. Don't kill the wyrms or drakes if you're doing Ytrazliarch. You need at least amiable faction for part of the quest.
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