The Band of Three!


Dalayan Beginner
Please note: Read all other posts by me before reading this. Those posts will have critical information that will help explain some things in this series.

This post will consist of my three main characters: Procuri, Ruenki, and Milosa.

This single post is going to be the header of this thread and will give a small insight of what events have occurred before the time that I'll be setting everything.

Please be warned. This Is Going To Be LONG!

I've been working on this for a while and I'm still making numerous changes to it as I write it, wether I'm writing it in the forums or on notepad, or pen and paper.... god I've spent like... a week thinking of this LOL! Kinda proud of it all.

Also, Due to the fact that posting is limited to 60000 characters, This thread will probly be like.... 5 posts long.

I ask, that I be the only one to post in this thread. Due to the fact that I've not really made room for another intervention with anyone else other that the three characters mentioned.

I will be Rping these three each with beginning scenarios that will explain how they came to know each other. Procuri and Ruenki ( of course) already know one another simply because they are both Black Hammers. But it will take some time to get to Milosa... lol dunno how long omfg I'ma loser XD

I'm posting most of these at like midnight.... so, don't expect spelling and grammar to be perfect, I'll fix it later. =P

ANYWHO!!!! before I rant TOOOOOOO Much.

Here is the explaination for EACH character.... Like a Prologue! HA! a prologue! lol should have thought of that sooner.

Not Rping this FYI! this is just an informing note.....

Procuri Prologue:

After being hidden in the shadows for some time, Procuri has been one of the top scouts and spies for several Rogue guilds, and some necromancer guilds, through out Dalaya. Though he makes his home in Newport, he's rarely there.

Procuri is the main supply runner for scouting parties, spies, Caravans, and any other job that needs to be done quick, fast, and as quietly as possible.

Many banks have been putting out wanted signs for Procuri due to the fact that he's been robbing them for months now, and doing a damn good job of it.

So in short, Procuri is a rat, a spy, and nothing less than a shadow you almost never see during the day, or at night.

He's also a Messenger for the regulars of Black Hammer Mercenaries ( if Rex is ok with that ^_^ )

Prologue Ruenki:

Ruenki has been hard as work dealing with the plagues that have swarmed Dalaya, and after coming in contact with so many people that may, or do have the plagues he's secluded himself in hopes that he doesn't indirectly spread the deaths out all over Dalaya.

He's been given signs from Malath that he will be the one that many come to for salvation and that will pray at his feet for forgiveness and to cure them. But with the signs, Malath has also sent a warning, there's some out there that look to bring down the Paladins of Dalaya, and that he should be careful with those that he trusts and speaks with.

For now, Ruenki resides in Athica after hearing wind of a priest who was brought down by the plague. Ruenki is there to keep peace among worshipers and to take the priest's place until the another Cleric can be called to the city.

Prologue Milosa:

As you know in my last post with Milosa, she was in the process of finding the Sensei Mukar and bringing him to one knee for Sivyana.

After falling for a ranger's trap in the Mistwoods, Milosa was caught by the Erudin Guards and sent to the Palace jail, awaiting trial.

Those that know what she was planning, are expecting a hanging by the next half moon.

Milosa was visited by a man in the jail, the man being the Sensei she was sent to harass. They're meeting ended up with Milosa being beaten to a pulp by the Guards, as the old monk watched.

Now, I give you the post of my life time..... The Band of Three!
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A light knock was rapping on Ruenki's chamber door. The knock was followed by the door slowly crawling open and a servant entering. " I've a letter for you M'lord," the servant's voice was kind and soft, so was her face. It could clearly be seen that the female servant had high respect for the Taldorian Paladin and sought an attempt at removing his armor, but knew well that the blessings of Malath would fade as quickly as her clothes.

"Place it on the table dear, I'm almost done," Ruenki had a small book in his hand, and a feather quill that was gilded down the vein with very small gems. A quill that was of great value was one that wasn't put down very often," I've still got much work to do before the morn' rises."

The servant quietly walked across the brown wooded floor, careful to avoid the spots she knew would creek in hopes of not disturbing the Paladin. She placed the parchment down on the table, next to the candle to insure that Ruenki would see it, "Anything for you M'lord? Ale, bread, maybe a hot bath?"

"I'll take you up on the bread an' bath, but make it a cold one, I need to stay awake. The warmth of the water will surely put me to rest," Ruenki's voice ribbited at the end of his sentence, was only natural that he was a Taldorian.

After a couple of seconds the servant nodded, realizing she wouldn't hear of anything else being asked for, and left the room as quietly as she entered.

"These days you have to work for days and sleep for only minutes to keep up with the calls of the people," the book was a small journal and Ruenki's hand swirled the quill around, writing at an above average speed. Names and diseases were being noted on every page of the journal, and Ruenki was seemingly making a checklist of those he'd recent visited and had judged that death was an absolute, "I'll send for the dead collector in the morn' as well, Malath be praised if this plague ever stops."

Ruenki clasps the book shut and sets it on the bed, just below the left pillow. The sun was gone and the window across the Paladin wasn't big enough to see the moon from where he was sitting, even if he'd move all he'd see was the side of another tavern. Looking around and placing his face into his palms Ruenki rested his eyes, rubbing them for a few moments then opening them, letting the sudden rush of fatigue go away before he tried looking at something else. The room was no bigger than a large caravan wagon. The room was barely large enough for the bed that was in it, leaving a narrow walkway around the bed until you got to the left side of the head board, this was where the bath was.

The servant had entered again carrying a very large bucket of water. The container looks to be thrice her torso in bulk. Her frail body looked as if it were going to snap as the sheer weight of the bucket, "That's enough dear, don't fill it to much," Ruenki's voice surprised the woman, making her slosh some of the water onto the floor.

"I'm sorry M'lord, forgive me," Her face wrought with fright of being beaten.

"Nothing to apologize for M'Lady. Here, take this and call it a night for yourself, you look tired." The Paladin's hand extends to the lady, his palm covered by the small bag of silver. With a suppressed giggle the woman grabs the bag gently from Ruenki's hand, turning his arm to show his knuckles and kissed the top of the Taldorian's hand.

"Thank you Paladin of Malath! I wish you the greatest in your journeys," said the eager servant whose eyes had glazed over with happiness.

"Blessed you be, keep safe, and may Malath shine on you." Ruenki smiled as he returned the kiss on the young woman's backhand.

After a moment of silence, and after the servant had noticed she was staring at Ruenki, she chuckled and seemed to dance her way out of the room.

"What I'd give to be happy just by getting a bag of silver these days," sighed Ruenki," Nothing pleases the public more than money in these troubled times."

Ruenki turned on the bed and noticed the letter that the servant had originally came into the room for. His eyes saddened with his mind as he wished it wasn't another letter that was addressing him on the passing of a higher figure. His previous thoughts were nulled as he leaned backwards and grabbed the edge of the letter, and realized it was sealed with the emblem of the Black Hammer Mercenaries.

"Rex must be having a birthday or something," joked Ruenki as he slid his finger over the seal," Or some one died....."

His hand flowed over the paper and as it did his fingers ate through the seal, opening the letter's pages to Ruenki's eyes.

Before even looking to see what the letter was about Ruenki had slowly made his way to the bath, removed his armor, clothing, and was already getting settled in when he flipped the envelope's flap and pulled out the small parchment that had nothing but the words: You are needed.

Seconds later Ruenki's window was filled to the frame by a Halfling.

"Hello dear Paladin!" The small man said with a trickster's laugh.

"What in the name of Malath?! Procuri! What are you doing here?" Scowled Ruenki as he finally realized that Procuri was covering his face to hide the sight of a Guild man's naked body.

Procuri snickered as Ruenki flailed around in the bath trying to cover his exposed body," I'm here to get you. I've got word that one of the descendants of the origin Black Hammers is in danger. She's not well known and her connection to the Mercenaries of Old is faded, but some say she could be the child of Gunstro's blood."

"What do you mean that her connection to the Old Black Hammers is faded?"

"Well, I'll tell you on the way, get your things, we need to move now. Some one might know what we are doing."

"That never sounds good Procuri, and coming from you.... yeah, that worries me."

"Then get that leathery body covered with your things and let's get a move on, we need to reach Erudin by morning!"

"Wait.... Erudin, that is not only a 2 day boat ride, but it is one hell of a walk!"

"Well then I guess you better get ye butt moving! Besides, we're taking the Mansion to Erudin."

"The Mansion of Portals? Damnit, you know I hate that place, gives me the creeps and I've seen fresh corpses in there. That place isn't very trustworthy!"

"To bad froggy, get your things and get on the street, I'll be waiting."

Procuri dropped from the ledge of the window and vanished into the shadows once again.

"God's be damned if I die in that place, Malath be praised if I survive this!"

Ruenki through the letter and envelope to the side and jumped clear out of the bath, dawning his clothes and fitting his armor back onto his body. The Paladin grabs his Soul Fire and watches the blade grow bright in divine flames as he sheathed it," Seems the little one is right. Something is afoot and I'm going to figure it out."

The Taldorian jumped clear over the bed and landed by the door, which he made quick work of as he bolted down the hallway, almost falling down the stairs in the process.

As Ruenki bashes his way out the front door of the Inn, Procuri snatches him to the side and pulls Ruenki into the shadows," Now... I know you're not used to moving quietly, let alone... quietly and quick, but this is important. Along with the word I got that a bloodline exists from Old, I also found out that the Black Hand is heading for her as well."

"Then we need to move now, instead of standing in these alleys with the vermin and dead!"

"Wrong, they are also after us. Once they found out what you did over in the Goblin Skull area, they got pissed."

"Then.... what should we do?"

"Well, we need to stay out of sight of any Black Scale or Black Hand members of course, and we need to head to Erudin. That's all that's on my mind. That and I think Rex will be happy to know that a bloodline descendant of Gunstro, or so we think, exists in Dalaya."

"Right, then let's move. You know the way there, so... I'm following you."

"Ok froggy, but if you fall behind, I'm not stopping."

"Then I guess you better get moving!"

Ruenki shoves the halfling, with his foot, out into the street, making the rogue stumble slightly then bolt off down the street, hugging the shadows and avoiding the windows of the Athica buildings. Ruenki follows closely behind, a small dagger sheathed in his bracer for emergencies, or incase the rogue leads him into a pit of death inside the mansion.
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