Dalayan Adventurer
I used to have a lot of fun back in the olden days of EQ. I played from pre-Kunark up until later PoP if memory serves. I spent all my time back on Druzzil Ro back then, had some good times, managed some fabled items, but right around the time I finally got into a raiding guild I had to call it quits and never came back.
Now that I have found this server I'm going to get back into some EQ1 action, probobly won't get online until tommorow sometime as im still patching up to date to start the SoD patcher hehe.
Now that I have found this server I'm going to get back into some EQ1 action, probobly won't get online until tommorow sometime as im still patching up to date to start the SoD patcher hehe.