Testing the waters


Dalayan Adventurer
I used to have a lot of fun back in the olden days of EQ. I played from pre-Kunark up until later PoP if memory serves. I spent all my time back on Druzzil Ro back then, had some good times, managed some fabled items, but right around the time I finally got into a raiding guild I had to call it quits and never came back.

Now that I have found this server I'm going to get back into some EQ1 action, probobly won't get online until tommorow sometime as im still patching up to date to start the SoD patcher hehe.
Thanks, so far I have only had the time to check out a little bit of the dream you start in hehe. Been forever since I played EQ and for the life of me I can't seem to figure out where you can get into the options to change the control layout. I need my WASD movement lol, having to get thru the dream by mouse move is crazy.
Welcome to the server. :)

Haruto said:
Been forever since I played Game and for the life of me I can't seem to figure out where you can get into the options to change the control layout.

Alt-O brings up your options window. There is a keyboard tab there where you can chage all your default keys.
Thank you! I was looking around on the forum but I didn't seem to notice where it said that. From what I have heard in one of the guides this serve is COMPLETELY different from the game, and I'm fully interested in seeing just how it goes. ^_^

I have heard that you level faster but not easier, does this mean most mobs yield more exp then they would in the game, but are as hard if not harder?

Found out about this server via a post on MMORPG.com that got deleted before I could look up the name of who posted it. =( But I am trying to get a friend of mine to jump on here too. He was thinking of buying the game and I showed him the link to this server so he could try this out.
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