Terror Lord Cadrak's


Dalayan Beginner
I had comepleted Terror Lord cadrak's part 3 quest on getting Ratstink and Rathide's heads. i turned it in received the leggings, but it had put me back on part three and not allowing me to get the items again. is there anyway to fix this and move onto part 4?
I wanted to confirm that Terror Lord Cadrak's quests are still buggy. I had the same problem as the op except I got stuck after completing the 2nd part. It put me back on the same quest again with the instructions "kill some more ratmen" (or something similar). I killed ratmen from level 6 to level 11 with no update before finally giving up and moving on.
Ask nicely in irc if anyone is available to check a quest flag. Make sure you have the reward item from step 2 on you. Be patient, someone who can do something about this may not be around, or if around available.
The dev who did this quest is no longer around but I think I see a few minor issues with the flow of this quest and will try to fix it up.
the lesser spectre you need for part4 always seemed to be a huge pain in the butt too. It only spawns once per in game day and at a certain time so if you miss out on it from someone killing it randomly or for their own quest (surefall rangers need it also) you're now stuck waiting another in game day for it. Maybe letting it spawn a total of 3-4 times during the night would help ease that?

the other problem i had with that quest was i crashed zoning into badlands for the last part (6 i think) and when i relogged the tracker was no where to be found, i had to ask someone where i was supposed to go to finish.
That should have skeleton placeholder mobs, from the looks of it. Maybe it was just unlucky respawns?
That should have skeleton placeholder mobs, from the looks of it. Maybe it was just unlucky respawns?

could be, it was over a year ago that i successfully did it. The way i remember it is that it only spawns in the place where there is a human rogue/brigand or something in the ruins and spawned either at nightfall or midnight that 1 time. The info i could find on it was a post from 2006

I did attempt to do the quest on the beta server and cleared out about 4 rounds of skeleton spawns waiting for it to spawn in that 1 spot and never saw it either, but it could of been bad luck.
could be, it was over a year ago that i successfully did it. The way i remember it is that it only spawns in the place where there is a human rogue/brigand or something in the ruins and spawned either at nightfall or midnight that 1 time. The info i could find on it was a post from 2006

I did attempt to do the quest on the beta server and cleared out about 4 rounds of skeleton spawns waiting for it to spawn in that 1 spot and never saw it either, but it could of been bad luck.

The skeletons are placeholders for the specter, just kill them and eventually the specter will spawn.. unless it was changed at some point since i last did it.
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