Terrible Graphic Bug


In zones where there are giant moving things, such as thaz (thaz 1 and 2) and cmal (with the spinning ring tubes), something is horribly wrong. It's hard to describe but in thaz, the spinning star sphere will break into pieces and PLUNGE INTO THE PLATFORM constantly making it near impossible to see anything on the platform.
Is this the well known Nvidia graphics bug because I dont get it with the Cmal tubes on either the 7600 or my current 9600

There may well be increasing problems with newer cards where maintaining compatibility with very old programmes becomes less and less of a priority as time goes by.
I run a 9800... and I don't have any problem in cmal with the spinning tubes.. but definitely do with boats...
I tried using the program described in this thread, called 3D Analyzer, to fix similar graphic glitches. And it worked!

Check out that thread-- it will tell you where to download the program and how to properly set it up, and run. I was messing around with it tonight to check some known issues I had before using it, and they're all gone.

The only downside is that I haven't figured out a way to dual box through this program. I can have one sod up and running perfectly with 3danalyze, and try to run it another through 3danalyze ... and I get an error message. I tried to open a second instance of 3danalyze and try sod that way ... same error message. I can run another instance of SOD straight through the patcher, without 3danalyze, but this instance is still falling victim to crazy 3d glitches.

Anyway. Here's some examples.

Not using 3d Analyze
Using 3d Analyze

If you just want to single box, and want to get rid of your graphic issues, try using 3D Analyze.
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