Temptation in Arena


Dalayan Adventurer
I'm to the part of the Marlow aug quest where I have to meet Temptation in the Arena. I've gotten everything I need and the quest text says to meet her there. I've run all over the Arena multiple times and haven't had any luck getting her to pop. Could a dev please look at my flags to see if something is bugged? Character name is Cambrai.

Yes. I heard it is supposed to pop as I exit the tunnel after zoning in but no luck for me.
Yeah, I had to exit and enter through that portal to get her to spawn. Not sure if that'll help you - if she's still not up, all I can suggest is checking your journal, make sure you didn't miss a step somewhere.
Also, I've seen this happen. If you have happened to have succesfully helped another SK do this earlier you probably already have the flag from this and will be able to talk to Dis again and get your aug.
Checking again to see if a Dev could look at my flags for this. I still have the same problem as the first post, Temptation doesn't spawn in Arena for me and that's where my journal says my next step is. I've never done this part with another SK so I didn't get flagged from before.

Flag states you aren't ready for this yet. Did you show the final concoction to the appropriate person first?
I think I did but I got bugged on this part of the quest over a year ago. This is what my journal says

I now possess the Improved Green Muse potion. Temptation wishes for me to meet her in the Arena next to the Cauldron of Dawn. I will get more directions once there.

Since I have that I'm assuming I turned the potion in once already.

Just now I tried talking to Dis in the maze in PoN but she doesn't talk back. She won't take the Green Muse Omega either. Since she won't talk to me I can't talk to Temptation there to try to hand it to her again. Only thing I can think of is I didn't get flagged when I turned in the improved potion the first time.

Thanks for looking into this by the way. I've been bugged on this forever it seems.
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