Telvosh's Request


Dalayan Beginner
Alright, I feel like I must be missing something obvious, but I've been banging my head on this so I thought I'd ask. Telvosh's quest seems like it's made for mid-50s. It only requires amiable faction, which is what, 5 giant heads? and the quest rewards are in line with mid-50s items. All of the mobs involved from the stormkeep suppliers and tribute watchmen that spawn on top of you, to the clear to Artisan Korgal and Korgal himself are DB at 55.

But what I don't understand is the third statue. How do you get to it? I thought it was cool that you had to skirt around the red con storm giant's patrol to get to the first two statues, but the third is sitting in the northern Arena courtyard, who's ramps are guarded by what seem like unavoidable pairs of deep yellow/red con storm giants. I'm in the process of taking turns suiciding each of my duobox for a shot at blowing up that statue, I just don't understand why there would be red cons here. IF you had a group that could kill these, the rest of the quest would be trivial, no? And the difficulty curve woudn't make sense, which is why I think I'm missing something.
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