tech prob.


Dalayan Adventurer
ok, to start things off i'd like anyone reading to know I used the search button to look for this problem but couldn't find anything on it. as of today, thursday February 10, whenever i login to my account and click 'enter world' on a character it starts to load, but then freezes. i can hit the start menu and just 'X' out of eq, but i cant logon. anyone know whtas going on? i didnt have these problems yesterday but now i cant get the character to load into the world entirely. thzx
sorry, i created a new character after posting this and apparently this isn't anything wrong with my comp, so DISREGUARD my post.

thx snee
Everyone is having this problem. The game freezes when you select your char and try to log him on. I'd blame lag or something like that but I have nothing to base it on... /shrug
I'm having the same exact problem. I was hoping the new patch would fix it, but it did not. :( It's ok though someone will find out soon what's going on.
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