Taroceth the Decaying (main quest, evil route)


Dalayan Adventurer
Taroceth seems to be bugged. He asked for three corrupted blood, which I provided, then he was attacked by two rangers and the Priestess, who were defeated. He seemed pleased with the result of the battle and advised me to talk to him further. When doing that, however, first he declared himself "occupied" and then (after some more zoning on my part), he went completely dumb.
Here's a screenshot that captures most of the battle and the dialogue.
Had the same problem doing the "good path" quest with the priestress at the bridge in nbadlands.
I handed her the three bloods then she walked out of the bridge and got attacked by 3 gnomes of the cult of entropy.
After I killed them, she told me to follow her back to the bridge but she didnt move. Also had the "this creature is too occupied to talk to you" message.
I zoned, came back and hailed her, she responded with the message and despawned to respawn at the bridge so I could continue the quest...
So maybe this needs to be looked at and fixed, but it doesnt prevent you from doing the quest anyway...
I did quite a bit of zoning, also a few days passed since Taroceth went silent. He still won't talk to me.
I'll try again tonight but I'm skeptical. Will post here if I have any success.
I have the exact same problem with Taroceth except he never even said he was busy- just went silent at same point as for you. i've posted my problem twice -once when it happened over a month ago and once more recently. No designer has replied so I'm just sitting in the dark. Which is fine, as I can always level up.
i think i was the first to post about this.. i still havn't heard anything about it in over a month.. it's a bit silly if you ask me, considering you're forced to do this part for the ancient/antique spells, yet they won't even say if they're fixing it or not
Actually if you search the forums for Taroceth in the title you'll find atleast the two I've done. One is still on the first page.
Morning of April 5th, 2006: Taroceth started talking!
Had to fight the Priestess battle again but I got to the point where he gave me one rune (not four, as reported by people in the past) and I'm now stalking the spectres.
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