Tarhansar Pledge


Dalayan Adventurer
Hey, can I get confirmation that the Tarhansar pledge quest is not implemented yet? Currently, Tarhansar himself will give 'gift of tarhansar' to anyone who has pledged to him, which has no stats. he then directs you to his prophet (Prophet of Tarhansar) who will not respond to hails / gift turn in. Just wanted to make sure that this is a work in progress and not just some little glitch. Thanks
I'm curious what the status is on this deity quest also. I've talked to Tarhansar, yet when I hailed the prophet today I got no response.

Aquaojo Valdosta - Deceiver
I'm now doing the Deity Aug quests, and to my knowledge nothing has been started on Tarhansar. He's on my to do list of course, and you'll love it when its done. But no ETA is forthcoming.
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