Tal'Yan Prayer Beads


Dalayan Beginner
I have a problem with the Yal'yan Prayer bead quest, idk if i'm the first one to do it. This quest is a result after doing the oggok runic weapon quest for Enchanters. Well I was suppose to collected Tal'Yan prayer beads and put them into a salvage kit and i did so and cominbed it. it said i created somethign new and then in red letters saying "Duplicate Lore item has been deleted" now only had one of these and i've logged off and tried it several times and same thign has happend. Any help? thanks
I'm having a problem with this quest as well. When I tried to combine the 2 Tal'Yan Prayer Beads in the kit, I got a "You cannot combine these items in this container type!" error message.

I tried to combine just one of the Tal'Yan Prayer Beads in the kit and it sort of worked, I got a "Shiny Pearl" (NO DROP but not LORE) and a red error message saying that "Duplicate Lore Item Deleted". I returned to Galia de'Barra, upon hailing her she does not respond to her text [I need another salvage kit.], or to [I do seek work.]

Is this quest broken or did I screw it up?
I also have this problem. Except now, the two prayer beads will not combine in the salvage kit at all. I'm sad now...
I'm going to change the way this combine works - hopefully for next patch. When it's changed, you'll break down both prayer beads at the same time resulting in 2 pearls. This should fix the Duplicate Lore item error you receive.
Still Broken

Today, April 1st, this quest appears to still be broken. The prayer beads are not combinable in "this container" in any combination, and the tailor does not respond to being shown the container. I'll keep trying every now and then though.
Prayer Beads

I just tried this now, and no combination of beads will work. I get "You cannot combine these items in this container type!".
Sorry about the lack of updates - it was my goofup on the combine(I didn't notice it was only a 2 slot container). I've changed it so that you only need to hand in the prayer beads(3 stacked) and your silk cord to Galia to receive the reward, rather than you needing to break them down into pearls first.
Sorry to bump an old thread but it seems like it should go here

When I was newbing my chanter about a week or 2 ago I tried to do this quest but the text it gives still talks of the salvage kit et all, but I did not receive one. Upon reading this thread I am now enlightened as to why, but at the time I just /bug'ed it and went on leveling. The quest text needs to be updated to reflect the changes.
long story:
when I tried, I got the salvage kit as suppouced to, and got the cord made. but when trying to hand in the cord and the beads, I just got them back. after some frustrated attempts at various combinations for combines, I read up on the wiki and forum.
Another player suggested I should go back a step, because I had hailed the quest npc after I got the quest.
...so I deleted the cord, beads, and the kit.
getting a new kit and beads was ease, but the tailor wont give out a new cord. (despise giving quest text agean)

short version: its still not working.
Got the kit and thread, cant turn them in, or use them in kit. Tried every combo of turning in, and combining in kit. Quest is still broke it seems.

Has anyone ever completed this quest? Noone here or on the seem to have finished it.
scince this quest cant be completed, can you progress with the enchanter beginner quests, im only a 5 enchanter and have nothing lol
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