Taking a long break.........


Dalayan Adventurer
Man it was a fun vacation, glad to chit chat with everyone and really make my character powerful, sadly school started today and I can already see all the pain I'm gonna experience from studying so I won't be on for at least a month or more. Also got back to exercising, got home and knocked out after lol. If you see my character on, it's not me, just a mage bot now lol....I'm definitely not done with SoD but priorities come first. Gotta relearn what I forgot in organic chemistry among a whole crap load of other things. Take care guys and good luck with everything!


As our Governor in California would say, "I'll be back."
i'm not sure which your character is, but damn isn't restarting an exercising routine Or organic chemistry painful enough? You go and do both at once :eek:
dang buddy I hate to see you go but totally understand. School will always come first over SoD. Msg me here whenever you get back / want to talk.
Guys thanks for all the support but the sad truth is I've been on for the past couple days raiding lol I really should have updated this. So basically I dropped from 19 semester units to 15 units and classes are doable ssoo....I'm playing when I can. Heh 3 out of the 5 I was taking are ridiculously hard and people kept telling me whats wrong with you...and I didn't study during break so yeah basically I dropped one of those 3. No prob lol was just doing it so I could possibly graduate early but yeah with that extracurriculars and work and leaving SoD, something needed to give. Lol I apologize for any mistaken preconceptions about me leaving lol...:)....but one day I will take a long break from SoD. Good times!
win1apollo said:
Guys thanks for all the support but the sad truth is I've been on for the past couple days raiding lol I really should have updated this. So basically I dropped from 19 semester units to 15 units and classes are doable ssoo....I'm playing when I can. Heh 3 out of the 5 I was taking are ridiculously hard and people kept telling me whats wrong with you...and I didn't study during break so yeah basically I dropped one of those 3. No prob lol was just doing it so I could possibly graduate early but yeah with that extracurriculars and work and leaving SoD, something needed to give. Lol I apologize for any mistaken preconceptions about me leaving lol...:)....but one day I will take a long break from SoD. Good times!

Screw you bud.
Hey get a membership at a gym. I found that's the best way to actually take a break for real. =P hahaha! But yea... wb and all that jazz!
1) Luas if I wasnt on I would've missed Aline being banned lol.
2) Part of my tuition pays for the gym at school and I usually go pretty often.
3) Tyrone lol you were one of the first to know, youre a shysty bastard...
My school does the same and I must say our gym is pretty top notch for the school. I've recently learned the importance of stretching before and after workouts :(
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