Taking a break that might become permanent


Dalayan Beginner
I just wanted to drop in and thank everyone for all the fun times I have had while being a part of this community. It has been a great 3 years but alas it's time for a break.

I have lost that fun for the game months ago, but have been doing all I could to hang in there for my guild mates and friends.

All in all it's been a great ride. I just wish I hadn't lost the fun this game used to supply me with in great quantities.

To all my friends it's been fun! I'll be on aim if you want to chat etc. To all those who hated on me w/o ever really meeting or knowing me. Ehh I still had fun when we picked at each other. hehe

I'm very glad that I was able to be a part of this great server. If my break becomes permanent please keep in mind that it's not the real Greg running around. So be nice to the poor sap who will be playing my toon.

I can say with 100% certainty that I had way more fun here then I ever did on live. All in all I have to say a job well done to all the devs and gm's!

Anyways peace everyone and thank you! :)
You will be missed dude. I first met you as Thorgauld when you were in, but not really able to play with, Chaotic Winds, then later I joined the guild you'd left CW to help build because I just decided I needed a break from my druid, it was there that your transition to Gregar began, I remember watching that change happen in you and your growth as a player as a result.

Anyways... I loved playing with you whenever we had opportunity to play together, and hope to be able to see you around somewhere, somehow. You mind tossing me your email address, and/or IM identities?
It is always sad to see friends move on with their lives, but also understandable. I appreciate the times we had in the game and just talking about life.

I wish you the very best with whatever you choose to do for fun. I hope your business stays thriving and rewarding for you. More than anything I pray that you and Mely continue to have a wonderful family. Even with the little munchkins running around unplugging your computer at the worst possible time. It has been my pleasure to have spent some fun time with you.

Your friend,
Here's the thing we started off friends
It was cool but it was all pretend
Yeah yeah
Sence you've been gone

You raided you took the time
Wasn't long till I called you mine
Yeah Yeah
Sence you've been gone

And all I'd ever hear you say
Is now you're officially a bad ass
That's all I'd ever hear you say

But sence you've been gone
We get to mock you for the last time
Your so movin on
Yeah yeah
Thanks to you
Now we get
Less post dreck
Sence you've been gone

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