Take Care


Dalayan Beginner
Well, I didn't get to know a lot of the community, and I was a dick to the people I did know. That being said, I do want to thank everyone for the fond memories, and the good times we had together in Beyond, Dandy Gentlemen, Bane, Fusion, and Twilight Underground in addition to all the other people I've met in the game. It was an honor, if you could use that word for a video game, to have played with the best and worst, and had fun with the new, old and always challenging encounters. I've always found it amazing how much dedication we had for this game like grinding in ValorA for 4 months while constantly gaining and losing guild members, wiping 50+ non-stop times to Prime Enchanter, and all the other ridicious things we did that was normal until you had a chance to look back and laugh. I'd make a list to call out those that were special, but than I realized that almost everyone I played along side of was special to me in a way. I wish everyone only the best of luck, be safe, and take care.

Well, I was only guilded with you in 3 of those guilds, but it was a pleasure nonetheless. Don't stay away forever, k?
Can I have your shoes?


srs business.
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