Sworn Hunter’s Trinket


Dalayan Elder
This item has a 1 second clicky of Alacrity, which is a 40% haste that lasts 10 minutes unless a beastlord or shaman is in your group, but then you’re getting a better version of this buff anyways. Is there any way for this to cast the highest level haste for shamans (swift like the wind since ancients are probably not allowed on clickies), beastlords (celerity) and enchanters (glory of enthann). This would free up a spell slot for these classes when buffing. For all other melee/casters, it can stay as the sub-potion level of haste.

We discussed this. Both the original creator of the item (dev creative rights), and other members of the team were Ok with it's current state. As far as buffs are concerned. It might be that buffs are sub-categorized further, and we develop rule sets to govern each.
  • Self Buffs - Short Duration
  • Self Buffs - Long Duration
  • Item Clicky Buffs
  • Class Non-Expiring Group Buffs
  • Class Expiring Group Buffs
Nothing progressed past this.
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