

Dalayan Beginner
One word for this server! Sweetness! I'm pretty new and looking forward to getting 2 of my friends on here to play with me. I am not anti-pug, but have found that with my lack of knowledge of PC's and the software for things like mumble, just playing the game with no headset not only can be an obvious disadvantage, but most people playing internet games demand the gamers they play with to be able to hear them.

Hello to all and I hope to be able to take a few hours and troubleshoot my new headset and link up to see what the in game channel has to offer. Looking forward to helping support the efforts of the Dev's, and spreading the word!
Welcome to SoD! Glad you decided to come and play, and I'm sure you will come to love this server. Bear in mind that this is not meant to be a step by step ripoff of Live. It is meant to be a heavily customized server, with it's own lore and setup. It has an old school feel, but it is not meant to be a classic server.

Bring your friends! Cya ingame!
You don't really need Mumble, most people use Ventrilo only for raids, but you can definitely raid without, and just listen through the speakers. Most regular groups don't use Ventrilo at all.

Enjoy your new adventure!
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