Suggestions for new toon, needed class?


Dalayan Beginner
I'm probably going to log on to SOD for the first time today (heading to work now), but I was wondering, which class is needed most right now? I was planning on rolling a dwarven pally but not sure. Don't want to be one of hundreds of pallys at the higher levels eventually... any thoughts?
Play something you're actually going to enjoy and want to keep playing.

SoD doesn't need a specific class, it needs long term players who enjoy the game.

On that note don't play a warrior as every guild will already have one.
I will chime in and add my 2 cents, this server is really good. Alot of friendly people on here and helpful gm's. One thing you need to know is if you really enjoy a monk/rogue, you will be okay on your own until level 30ish. Once you are in the upper range, you will really need to group (more so then ever). Now heres a piece of advice I ignored and should have listened to the vets...

Either a) Roll a Druid/Necro/Paladin so you can solo everything and hit 65 fast OR
b) Roll a monk/rogue (etc) and create a 2nd account (multi box as they call it) and level up a shaman/druid/cleric with that pure melee class.

Unfortunately I don’t like playing a caster, I actually hit a wall at level 30 with my monk, made a necro and its was fairly easy to level (granted i only went to level 8 and pretty much all classes are fairly easy to level to 8), I sucked it up and created a 2nd account and made a shaman power leveled it to level 9 :) (ya know oh boy power level to level 9) but I wanted a SoW bot with me, and the little 20-30hp spam heals are actually pretty helpful. Anyways… I don’t know why but I gave up the shaman then and pushed my way thru more of the main quests/newport ring quests and the shaman / monk duo box didn’t work out well. (at the time)…

Now I will be on vacation starting tomorrow and having 2 weeks of ‘free’ time, i think I’ll invest more time in the shaman so I can get my monk back on track. I was very frustrated with things in general (not about anyone in the game) but just in general and I was thinking of calling it quits but this version is something I enjoy.

Long story short:

1) Roll a druid/necro/paladin = solo to 65 easy
2) Duo Box (one pure melee) and 1 healer/hybrid (level in tandem) and you will be very effective not only solo but in raids as well.
Hit 65 fast is restricted to knowing where to go and having decent gear.
That said a paladin should not be in the group of people who can solo well without gear especially for the majority of early levels(up to 35~)

Cinn is right , just pick a class you think you will like and go with that. Except warrior for the aforementioned reason. Less you wanna make your own guild in which case warrior is a pro choice.
Cool. Thanks for the tips everybody. Dwarven paladin it is. Once I hit 65 with him, which will be awhile (I'm a casual player), I may think about rolling a cleric. I'm against duel-boxing -- think it takes away from the 'purity' of the RP experience. Whenever I get my freakin game in the mail I'll see you in game.
I felt honestly the same way about the duo boxing, however it really is sometimes a necessary evil. I am only kickin myself now since I didn’t do that in the beginning. Currently I am leveling up an iksar shaman so I can get to the point where I can keep my monk alive. It might be awhile :)

As to your comment on casual play, one really good thing about this version is the turn in quests and main quest/ring quest, you can actually start on those relatively low level and get some really big xp bonus! I saw one person go from level 9 to level 18 just doing a part of the quest that didn’t involve any killing.
Wow! Cool. Yeah, that was kind of my next question: since I haven't actually logged in yet, I don't know about how SoD differs from live, are all the quests and areas different? Are the good places to level in Live still as rewarding in SoD?
Just to put in my .02, I think a Paladin or any tank is really tough as a first toon. If you hit 65 with so-so gear, your tanking abilities are gonna suck.

My advice is to choose a class that is not as gear dependent. Then plan to use them to farm to twink your pally.

I have a 65 paladin, who is likely better geared than you will be able to gear yours (fomelo Fivof) and frankly he can't tank level 65 zones worth a flip. I know I got frustrated with him and I would hate for you to put in the time, only to have the same frustration.

Properly geared, Paladin is a great class. But set yourself up for success by having a class that does not need gear and use them to farm some plat and gear.
Either a) Roll a Druid/Necro/Paladin so you can solo everything and hit 65 fast OR
b) Roll a monk/rogue (etc) and create a 2nd account (multi box as they call it) and level up a shaman/druid/cleric with that pure melee class.

That is terrible advice that you got there. Grouping is the way to go. I soloed to 63ish on my necro simply because I could (and i was new to SoD and hadn't made friends yet) but seriously that is torture. Grouping is much quicker.

A rogue? I have a rogue and I would never bot him as a viable combination with my druid. A monk maybe, but don't rely on a rogue for a stable duo unless you are overgeared for what you are killing (like tier 5 geared killing DN)
Groups are always the best way to go for fun and exp, and I tend to consider duos a basis for those groups. If you chose your classes right, it can really help you create/find good groups (mostly healer + tank or healer + dps); as well as allow you to get subpar exp when you aren't grouped (but exp nonetheless).

Notpit is a bit harsh on it. Yes, you don't tank very good when you get to 65, but you usually don't hunt in the places that tear you up. It's "natural" progression to see more of the zones as you progress.
However, if you chose a tank, be ready to stop at a point and spend some time farming cash and buying gear, because it will happen.
Just to put in my .02, I think a Paladin or any tank is really tough as a first toon. If you hit 65 with so-so gear, your tanking abilities are gonna suck.

My advice is to choose a class that is not as gear dependent. Then plan to use them to farm to twink your pally.

I have a 65 paladin, who is likely better geared than you will be able to gear yours (fomelo Fivof) and frankly he can't tank level 65 zones worth a flip. I know I got frustrated with him and I would hate for you to put in the time, only to have the same frustration.

Properly geared, Paladin is a great class. But set yourself up for success by having a class that does not need gear and use them to farm some plat and gear.

This is 100% accurate, and mainly why I chose a Necro as a first toon. Playing a class that is not very gear dependent helps you to get your foot in the door and learn the game, while being able to kill tougher mobs for money to farm for your alt that is more gear dependent.
However, if you chose a tank, be ready to stop at a point and spend some time farming cash and buying gear, because it will happen.

Well, to be clear that is what Mafate did. Of course he had a shaman that he boxes better than the average bear and he put in some significant time farming. I would guess that he spent a good 30k PP to get the best tradskilled armor (deepmetal). That put him in a position to be the main tank of a new and upwardly mobile guild. [Maf is da man!]

So to revise my advice, if you don't mind spending day after day of mindless farming to buy the best gear that can be purchased, instead of being in experience groups, then that is a valid option. On the other hand, if you have no more patience than me, you can almost as quickly level up a class not as dependent on gear and farm with him. And then twink the hell out of your Paladin and frikkin pwn your way up and feel like the Norse god Thor raping and pillaging your way up to the end game.

Just a thought.
I really woudnt advise a Paladin unless you have a lot of high placed friends on the server. The truth is that there are too many melee class toons in the game and it is next to impossible to get into any established Raiding Guild with a Paladin or Warrior. Equipping a toon like this above Deepmetal is a nightmare without connections. Also when people with really good tank retire the Tank lives on so places almost never come up.

Personally, I have a 200+ AAs Paladin with reasonable armor but equipping him above Deepmetal has been highly problematic.

If you have high ambitions become an Enchanter or a Cleric. When you hit 65 someone will want you as there is a shortage of good healing and EVERYBODY needs good Crowd Control.

Having said that if you dont mind hitting the brick wall a Paladin must be one of the most fun characters. Other day I tanked a Giant in Everchill and the thrill of taking down the Equivalent of a Raid 2 mob as tank is amazing.

Eleazer Paladin
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