I will chime in and add my 2 cents, this server is really good. Alot of friendly people on here and helpful gm's. One thing you need to know is if you really enjoy a monk/rogue, you will be okay on your own until level 30ish. Once you are in the upper range, you will really need to group (more so then ever). Now heres a piece of advice I ignored and should have listened to the vets...
Either a) Roll a Druid/Necro/Paladin so you can solo everything and hit 65 fast OR
b) Roll a monk/rogue (etc) and create a 2nd account (multi box as they call it) and level up a shaman/druid/cleric with that pure melee class.
Unfortunately I don’t like playing a caster, I actually hit a wall at level 30 with my monk, made a necro and its was fairly easy to level (granted i only went to level 8 and pretty much all classes are fairly easy to level to 8), I sucked it up and created a 2nd account and made a shaman power leveled it to level 9

(ya know oh boy power level to level 9) but I wanted a SoW bot with me, and the little 20-30hp spam heals are actually pretty helpful. Anyways… I don’t know why but I gave up the shaman then and pushed my way thru more of the main quests/newport ring quests and the shaman / monk duo box didn’t work out well. (at the time)…
Now I will be on vacation starting tomorrow and having 2 weeks of ‘free’ time, i think I’ll invest more time in the shaman so I can get my monk back on track. I was very frustrated with things in general (not about anyone in the game) but just in general and I was thinking of calling it quits but this version is something I enjoy.
Long story short:
1) Roll a druid/necro/paladin = solo to 65 easy
2) Duo Box (one pure melee) and 1 healer/hybrid (level in tandem) and you will be very effective not only solo but in raids as well.