Study the Locals


Dalayan Adventurer
omg please please please!!!
change the prod back to unlimited charges or to like 40-50 charges! It more than doubles the time it takes to complete the quest because of the travel time back and forth to the council camp. Also if you for example happen to agro more then 1 mob like treants the other mobs go to total waste. I mean I've read that people are having trouble with finding mobs already prodded, but I think this alternative is much much worse.
Spiritplx said:
As far as I know, this was changed due to the fact that this was an amazing pulling device.

That, and Rinbo says different things as you progress through the quest, but people weren't bothering to talk to him until they had every last piece of information. The change stands.
another suggestion/request maybe make it 5 charges? Why so one can do 3 treant pull without running back and forth and cut down quest time and boredom.
Drotic said:
another suggestion/request maybe make it 5 charges? Why so one can do 3 treant pull without running back and forth and cut down quest time and boredom.


It should be *fifteen* charges. If it isn't, that's a bug.

edit: Yeah, it was bugged. Fixed.
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