Stuck in Window Mode


Dalayan Beginner
Not per say a WR tech support question just an EQ tech question in general, figured one of you might be able to help anyway.

started playing a couple nights ago, both full screen and using EQw, was having graphical issues so I logged out and installed the latest video drivers for my card. Logged back in and continued playing, graphical issues resolved. Everything was fine until I wanted to stop playing in window'd mode. Even when disabling eqw the game still ran it in window'd mode. Even uninstalling eqw didnt resolve the issue.

So ya, I just wanna play full screen (shakes fist at computer). Any help would be appriciated. thnx.
go into options.. should be an option to switch to full screen mode..

thats in game options.. the option button, in the top bar, in game.
I had this issue the other night I was able to fix mine by going into the EQclient.ini file and changing the Windowmode to False.
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