Stuck at: "Getting Patcher List."


Dalayan Beginner
When I open the patcher to run SoD, and click "Patch and Run", it just stays at "Getting Patcher List."

Any suggestions?
I had the same problem, run the patcher from a separate folder and in the "advanced " options browse for the SoD client directory
Like put the patcherfiles in c:\patcher when your SoD directory is in C:\Shardsfdalaya for example.
been there, done that...

same problem, but the solution doesn't work for me... ;(

Kerio Personal Firewall, SoD Patcher asks outgoing, permitted, no answer from server, asking for incoming connections

No XP firewall.

Patcher in seperate folder.

.Net 1.1 + Servicepack1.1 installed.

Up-to-date patcher from website, LDON patched EQ.

So what could be the possible problem ? :?

Glad I could help you Alcho.

Thorny, if I understood well your patcher error message is "no answer from server, asking for incoming connections" ; never had this one so I'll probably be of little help. It shouldn't be a matter of firewall if you allowed the sodpatcher.exe and ports don't seem to be a problem for us clients... btw is it the same error with both (sodbin and sodpatcher) ? I won't ask if you browsed for the correct client directory in the advanced settings of the patcher...This is my limit, hope you'll get support soon. Otherwise keep updating the client with the patch files from the download section of the website as well as the spells.txt
no, sorry if i misformulated:

On my system a program has to ask for permission to access the internet. and to ask for permission to receive connections from outside.

The patcher asks for outgoing permission, but it never receives any answer (no incoming connection blocked by firewall/ asked for permission).

So the patcher is stuck at the "getting patch list" , but nothing happens, even when I deactivate the firewall.

Oh, and the problem exists with both programs, sodbin as well as sodpatcher.

Well, second question: how do I run the game without the patcher (except for downloading the patch-files from the HP, I do know that) ?


add on:

This is weird, i reinstalled .net, but this time without the Service pack and now it works. Woohoo, here i come!

Thanks a lot for the suggestions!

LOL that's clearly not what I would have suggested , but if you dont need the .net for anything else than SoD well...keep going :) good for you.
guess you don't need that anymore, but in case you need it, I used to launch the game with EQW (eqw.exe) but with the patcher the option is clearly showed in the advanced settings.
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