Stuck at EULA screen


Dalayan Beginner
I am not sure if I am loading WR properly. I get an EULA screen and i see two cursors, one is the EQ cursor and the other is the one I can move around but can't click anything. Is there a key command to tab over? Its been along time since I played EQ 1 and forgot the command for EQw
If you are using EQW, try pressing ctrl+alt+r to release the mouse, then press it again to bring it back into the game.

OR to get past that screen, press tab to get off of the decline button to get onto the accept button, the press enter. That might fix the mouse problem in that part.
Thanks for the responce, but it still is doing nothing. I can't alt+crt+r or tab. I get a large black screen witht he EULA in the middle and a flash of something behind it when I try CRT+ALT+DEL. Have to hit the restart button on my computer to reboot. I have disabled Zonealarm and Norton, saw those icons flashing in the system tray thinking they might be causing the problem but nothing happened.
Think I know what my problem might be. Got this from another post:

Download everything up to Lost Dungeons of Norrath, including "Optional" zones.

Don't download:
- Gates of Discord
- Omens of War
- Dragons of Norrath

I have all those installed. Would cause the problem?
I don't know the issues with Installed GoD, OoW, or DoN, but that could POSSIBLY be your issue, make a fresh install of everything BUT those and you should be fine.
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